Chapter Fifthteen - Recollection of the night before

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"Please do not tell me I just saw what I think I saw," Sarah asked him, her voice quivering in anger yet strangely quiet.

Rafe snapped his eyes to look at her, shrugging his shoulders.

"Fine, I won't tell you," he assured her, gifting her a smile.

"I'm not being funny Rafe," she told him, her voice amplifying in volume. "Tell me right now what I just saw." He stared aimlessly at his sister, thinking of an answer; the truth? He wasn't so sure himself what had just happened. He didn't know what to make of it. "Hello?"

He hadn't been thinking about it previously; it's not like he planned it and hoped for it to happen. As the seconds went by he explored deeper within Lana's eyes, hypnotised and in a trance, he still wasn't aware of what was happening. It was only after, when Sarah had caught them, he realised the barbaric nature of the situation he was infatuated with. The absurdity of it.

"I don't know," he honestly told her, looking off to the side in narcotic thought.

"Seriously Rafe. Do you like her?" Sarah interrogated him, her voice rising to a higher pitch in disbelief.

"No," he calmly told her, not giving himself into the incredulity of his sister's question.

She stared at him in awe, not knowing what to make of the situation. "I thought you two hated each other," she told him, scrunching up her face in confusion.

He refused to answer her, he didn't want to; more like he couldn't.

Sarah walked away, muttering various theories to herself in lack of belief.

Rafe backed into the door, pushing his back into the glass and tilting his head towards the ceiling.

Lana too had her back pressed into the door of her own house, trying desperately to gather her scattered thoughts. It all happened so fast yet so slow.

She could vividly remember the sensation of her heart pounding, trying to rip away from her chest; beads of sweat formulating throughout her whole body, her clothes clinging onto her. It almost felt as if she blinked and his face was inches away from her yet those moment felt the longest in her entire life. It felt like an eternity she had been travelling through every individual strand in his iris, intertwining herself with him mentally as they grew closer and closer towards each other.

The satisfaction she felt as she inhaled his breath as oxygen and the way her full attention had been focused on him, as if she had been captured in the fantasy of a book with no return.

The realisation when had she noticed how close his face had inched towards hers, and the electrifying yet bloodcurdling apprehension of suspecting that the very thing she never expected to happen may happen. The adrenaline travelling rapidly through her veins, causing her to slightly shake in fear he would do the one thing she had never anticipated. She remembered every detail perfectly in her memory, as if she was reliving the moment as she thought about it.

She forced herself to map out the words in her head, thinking it was absurd yet the obvious truth.

He had wanted to kiss her.

Had Sarah delayed herself by simply a few seconds, their lips would've touched.

Though that would've caused the fallout to be even more fatal and bewildering, there was some curious aroma that lingered within her mind.

Despite all her loud and overlapping thoughts, the biggest one remained to be the biggest mystery out of them all.


By the time her thoughts had concluded themselves, she found herself smiling. At immediate notice she had tried to force it away, but failed.

There weren't words for the way she felt about Rafe. A few that she was certain of were some such as 'narcissistic', but there were not words for the feeling that consumed her in that moment.

Only because you asked // Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now