I smiled at the thought of finally seeing it properly!


I  jumped at the sound of something coming from beside me as I glance and notice that Belarus has moved seats and sat beside me instead of the one shes sitting at earlier.

She turned her head towards me and we have another staring contest...

Belarus: (⊙_☉)

Philip: (◎_◎;)

Belarus: (●__●)

Philip: (´・_・')

Belarus: ⊙︿⊙

Philip: (๏ᆺ๏υ)

"Be my friend" I almost fell on my seat once she utter those words. But luckily I got a hold of my desk.

"What" I looked back at her wide eye as if Im not believing what I just heard from her. I mean I must be imagining things right-

"Be my friend" I am not imagining things I look at her strangely I mean Im the one and only Philippines! No. 1 pokpok ng pinas!

"Why" Her eyes widen and began muttering to herself that there must be a reason to make friends. Man now I feel bad maybe-

"W-well I never had any girl friends before and youre a Country Master and a girl and um.. Im sure my brother would approve our frienship... So please be my friend!"
Is this the same Belarus whos so cold in my past life?

She began fiddling with her skirt as she began shrinking herself word by word as if she just want to disappear at the surface of the earth.. How would I know? Its easy Ive had my moments like this before.

I put a hand on her shoulder in a comforting matter but she seems to take it in the wrong way as she just became more tense and began stumbling on her sentences that I cant even make out what shes saying.

"Its alright calm down.... Yeah like that! Breath... You ok now?" She nodded her breathing finally stable as I let go of her shoulder.

"Ofc I would love to be friends with you" The corner of my lips twitched upwards as I smiled geniunely. I mean shes adorable you know

"Yes! Yes ofc!" And with that we spend talking until some people began flooding the classroom.

This day is really peaceful noh?

Really peaceful.


Too peaceful....

"Gasp! Phil! Were in the same class!!"
I whipped my head to the doorway to whoever interrupted my conversation with Bella and notice that its Malaysia waving at me alongside him is Indonesia also looking rather shock.

But before I could reply back Laysia already leap towards me and giving me a big, tighg hug surprising Bella.

Oh how could I forget thes two....

Well I gues this year would be interesting as I have made friends...

I cant believe it! My first friend and that is Philippines! I have heard about her name in politics and social circles. And I must admit that she doesnt have that good of a reputation but her brains is so amazing! I had watched her battle in the field of politics once!

And her smile! Oh so beautiful its as if Im going to ascend to heaven by just looking at it!

Shes not just brains and beauty but also patient! I dont know how did such a bad nasty rumour spread about her. But Im glad that its changing! Afterall shes such a great person! Oh how much I want to hang out with her again... Maybe I can invite her for lunch!

But before I could ask her someone called out for her at the doorway and notice that its the Country Master Malaysia! What is he planning?? But Im shock as he just leap and began clinging at Phil like a blood sucking insect...

So they are friends too? But what about her time for me if she had other friends..?


Belarus 68℅
Philippines is Belarus first ever friend! Afterall her brother is kinda protective of her ever since the witch hunt began. But now Phil became friends with her! and she even help her to calm down from her mini panic attack! Phil is the best! But Dont worry or do worry! Afterall Bella isnt good with this things as she doesnt have much experience!


(A/N: Also I changed the book cover again :])

This is the old one:

This is the old one:

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The new one:

This is actually cut in half! :DD

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This is actually cut in half! :DD

Old Phil:

And the new reincarnated Phil!

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And the new reincarnated Phil!

And the new reincarnated Phil!

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