Chapter 27: The rise of the badnik empire

Start from the beginning

Cubot: My voice have gone through several changes when I was made. For explain I was a pirate!

Orbot: Yes and we manage to fix it before Eggman will throw both of us into the scrap.

Metal Y/n: What about those who have failed? What happened to them?

Orbot: Well if any of us fail then he'll scrap us for new parts.

Metal Y/n: So he throw you away without upgrading you both or anything like that?

Cubot: Nope. Come to think about it, I don't remember being upgraded before.

Orbot: Either do I. Eggman just seemed to never care or not bother to upgrad any of us.

Metal Y/n: Or his own creation.

He stop by a window to over see a factory as Metal Y/n looks at the robot bodies and he know their animal or bug like robots ain't going to be enough to combat against the Freedom fighters or anyone who threatened their rule.

Metal Y/n: Can you see Eggman as your master?

Orbot: Well of course. He was the one who created us including you.

Cubot: Yeah your like his favourite since you were made in a different way then Metal Sonic.

Metal Y/n: I see.

He look at himself in the reflection of the window as he see he was made differently then Metal Sonic and wonder why didn't Eggman do the same to Metal Sonic or even his own troops.

He slowly makes a fist and then walks off not before saying to Orbot and Cubot.

Metal Y/n: Thank you for answering my questions Orbot and Cubot. I must go now.

He left with Orbot and Cubot standing there for a bit and turn to each other.

Orbot: I might have hearing problems but did he just thank us?

Cubot: I think so? I don't even know what thank you means? Do you know?

We then cut to Metal Y/n walking deeper to the halls. He wasn't sure where he is going but what ever these halls take him but soon he stop in front of a front door that he turn to see a sign that said "scrap room." He looks at the door and reach over to the button and once that he opens the door and we see piles after piles of scrapped robots everywhere as Metal Y/n enter and look around to see those who have failed Eggman will be turned into scrap.

For some odd reason but Metal Y/n feel horrified by all of this and how Eggman throw those who fought for his name so hard just to be thrown away rather then being upgraded.

He stop when he sees a light and turn to a buzz bomber as he stare at it while the buzz bomber only said.

Buzz bomber: For.....Lord......Lord...Eggman....all....hail Eggman....o-o-our master.

Metal Y/n's anger was now increased seeing Eggman treated his own creations as nothing but trash and throw them out to suicide missin after suicide mission and those who made it out alive were thrown away like trash, never been upgrading or transferred into a new stronger body which angered Metal Y/n so much.

Eggman: (radio) Metal Y/n! Report back to the hanger, the time has come.

Metal Y/n:.......Yes Doctor Eggman.

He leaves the scrap room as he open the door but he turn to the scrapped robots and he tells them all.

Metal Y/n: You will be avenged my brothers and sisters. You will shall have your revenge.

Then he left the room to meet up with Eggman and do what ever he can to overthrow him and his power once and for all.


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