Chapter 27 (Part 1)

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The snake was crawling on her knees. "No, no. Get away.", she was trying to chase the snake away. "I don't have time you. You will probably eat me. I got a mission to solve.", she was talking to the snake. 

"Come on, it likes you. It's not harming you.", Liang said.

"How do you know that?"

"Because I'm watching you on your computers. I managed to hack into the surveillance cameras."

She looked around to find the cameras. She found one facing at her from the ceiling in one corner. That was the camera he was looking at her. 

"Okay Wang, we need to solve this case because I got Antonio on hold. The only way to prove that he is not the culprit is by these gangsters before killing them.", she was trying move away from the snake but it kept on coming back to her. 

"Hahaha, it really likes you.", he was talking about the snake. "But do you really think that there is an imposter involved?"

"Honestly, I really don't know what's going on in this investigation. There are too many made up stories. Plus...", she stopped and looked at the snake.

There was blood dripping in the middle of the snake's body. White Jaguar was surprised that this snake was gently towards her. Maybe it could sense that she was not going to harm it. There was also something inside the wound. It looked like a plastic bag. She slowly came closer to the snake. She was even touching it. She slowly removed the bag from the snake. The snake started hissing very loud because it was in pain. She grabbed the snake's neck to calm it down. It was slapping its body on Riya's knees. Finally, she took out the bag from the snake. The snake was in so much pain. 

"Wow Moods, that was really bold of you.", Liang was impressed. 

She released her hand from the snake. Its head was relaxing on her knees. "I might be terrified of them but I don't like seeing them hurt."

She took out a small black and white bag from her pocket. She took out some rare herbs and placed them in her palms. She lifted the snake's head. The snake took a sniff of the herbs. Then it started licking the herbs.

"Good snake.", she was happy with that. 

"It's a boy.", Liang said. 

"Oh. Good boy. He is very gentle for a Cobra."

"Snakes only harm you if you mess around with it."

"What's going on with the other snake?", she was meaning the gangster. 

"He is busy having some conversation with a woman before his actually meeting start. I will record the conversation and send the conversation to the FBI agents.", Liang answered. 

"Send to FBI agents we are working with.", the snake finished having the herbs. She looked at the snake's wound and found other bruises on his body. "This snake is been abused. He has so many red scars on his body. Mr Cobra is treating his pet badly.", she was literally petting the snake. 

"I'm reading some information about our mutual friend. Mr Cobra is an abusive man. He married five women but they divorced him for being abuse.", Liang said.

"Such a young age to be married five times.", she took out a piece of white cloth and wrapped it around the snake's wound. 

"His ex-wives tried to tell the police about this but Mr Cobra bribed the police to drop the cases against him. These women didn't receive any justice. Now he is keeping some women as his entertainment for the evenings."

Riya finished sorting out the snake. "Gross."

"Agreed. The packet you are holding right now is the drug that the models take."

Riya looked at the packet. "Do you think he is the supplier?", she asked. 

"Turn around. There is a brown door behind you. Your answer will be there."

White Jaguar looked behind herself and found the door. She removed the snake from her and got up. Then she started walking towards the door. The snake started following her. She opened the door slowly without the men hearing the door. She could see ten were standing by the steps, looking at the main entrance hall. Shocking that they did not hear see the blood dripping on the steps. Riya entered a dark room. She touched the wall to find a switch. She pressed something and all the lights were turned on. The room was turned into brightness. Horror appeared in her eyes.

"Wang, are you seeing this?", she asked. 

"I believe that Antonio is innocent after all. I'm hearing the conversation and they are using his name to frame him.", Liang said.

"Antonio was right all along.", she looked at the room.

There were stacks of boxes in this room, filled with these small packets. White Jaguar did not want to believe this. Mr Cobra was part of the drug dealing and framing Antonio. This was one drug the models were taking. There were two more from two different gangsters. 

"Hey!", a man shouted behind her.

White Jaguar was caught. The snake turned around and saw its owner. The snake moved closer to White Jaguar. White Jaguar turned around slowly and saw Mr Cobra. She would never forget those cobra eyes over two years ago. 

"Hello Mr Cobra.", she answered with a wicked smile.

Mr Cobra was finding this voice so familiar. "Who are you?", he asked.

"Everyone calls me White Jaguar."

Mr Cobra definitely recognized her voice. "You are the woman who was beaten up for six months."

"Yes. Don't you miss me?", she answered. 

"How come you are alive?", he asked

"Well, let's say someone saved my life when you and forty-nine other men tried to kill me. And many other women.", she reminded him.

"Well, if you and those women weren't outspoken, your wouldn't be like this."

"Wow, such a close minded person. No wonder why your wives left you because you are also an abusive man.", she said with so much attitude. 

"You haven't change after teaching a lesson.", he hissed like a snake.

The actually Cobra hissed back at him. "Beating up women is not a learning factor, it is abuse. Listen Pretty Boy, you have gotten away with murder for so many years. Abused a lot of women. Now it's time for all your true colors to be revealed and those women you abuse will be receiving justice soon.", she was being serious.

"Oh hell yeah.", he took out and pointed the gun.

"Riya, be careful!", Liang shouted on the phone. 

White Jaguar threw the blade and slice his hand to make him drop the gun. He echoed his voice causing the other men to come to the room. White Jaguar took out some of the packets and threw them into her arrow bag. Then she grabbed the snake and threw him into her bag. She hoped that he did not get hurt from her arrows. She did not hear him hissing which was a good sign. Four men appeared at the scene, pointing guns at her. She took her stick and started blocking the bullets coming towards her. They tried to shoot quicker but it was not helping. She was faster than him. Finally the men were out of bullets and the stick was put away. White Jaguar jumped on the boxes and punched a man on his nose. Then she blocked another man's kick then she scooped him on his ankle. He landed hard on the floor, breaking through the floor and landing hard on the first floor. Another man tried to punch her but she blocked his hand with her bow. Then twisted his hand with the bow. He made a loud noise. She kicked him on his stomach then removed her bow from him. He landed on top of Mr Cobra. The last man looked at her. She looked back at him with her creepy mask. The mask creeped him out that he ran away. 

"See.", she looked at Mr Cobra. "Karma came for you.", she said.

"How did you become that strong?", he was struggling to speak because his man was on top of him. 

She squatted by him. There was some fear in his eyes. "You will hear the answer tomorrow.", she growled. 

He looked at her with fear but he wanted to hear the answer now. White Jaguar squatted up and walked out of the room. She ran as fast as she could before more men would come here. Then she jumped out of the pathway and landed safely on the ground.  

Woman of Intelligence (Book 2 in the series)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن