Chapter 17 (Part 1)

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The entire of Los Angeles International Airport was decorated with Christmas decorations. Beautiful Tall Christmas trees were standing in each corner. There are so many people in the building. Most of the people were taking pictures of the decorations. Some of them were standing by the Christmas booths and taking pictures. Or they were taking selfies with the Christmas trees. Most of the people were excited for the holidays that they wanted to start their vacation early. Lucky, their bosses came them the bonus early.  

Riya, Samantha, Ying and Zoe came out of the airport, looking disappointed to be here. John came out of the airport, looking nicely dress for the trip. He looked more dressed up for a vacation. He was very excited to be in Los Angeles. Riya's ears were ringing because she spent the entire journey listening to John's unrealistic stories. Samantha, Ying and Zoe were also not in the mood for this. Riya did not understand why her friends were looking so salty. She was the one who had to hear John's entire conversations. Plus, she was sitting next to him for the entire journey. But she also did not blame them for looking salty. She and her team had to put up with their lazy self-center Captain for this whole trip. 

John took a sniff of the air. "Ai, it's good to be home.", he said. 

Riya, Samantha, Ying and Zoe looked at him at the same time. "Home?", Zoe asked. 

John looked at them. "I was born and raised in Los Angeles."

"What made you come to Singapore?", Samantha asked.

"Because I was nominated to be the Captain in Singapore. Plus, I wanted to travel to learn new things and do work."

"Like having sex with your girlfriend in the private rooms.", Riya was be savaged. 

John gave her a growled look. Samantha, Ying and Zoe had smirks on their faces. A pink Audi parked in front of them. Everyone was looking at the bright pink car. The color was so bright that Samantha put her sunglasses on. The door opened in front of them. A tall skinny young woman came out of the car. The woman was wearing a short tight bright yellow dress. Her dress was high on her knees. She had yellowish blonde hair and fair light skin tone like John's skin. Her eyes were the same color as John. And her face was covered with so much make-up. Riya, Samantha, Ying and Zoe recognized her already. This was Justine Wright, John's younger sister. 

Justine Wright was a model in Los Angeles. She was one of the top models in the United States. She won so many awards for the best modelling walks and the best body figure. Recently, she was participating in a fashion show in Singapore. Riya, Samantha, Ying and Zoe were shocked to see Justine her when she meant to be in Singapore. At least Liang would be at ease. Justine looked at her brother with a big smile.

"Johnny.", she went to give him a hug. 

"Justine.", he wrapped him arms around her. 

Riya, Samantha, Ying and Zoe did not watch them. They knew that Justine hated them so much. Justine hated Riya because Liang. Justine thought that Liang and Riya were dating even though they were not. Justine hated Samantha, Ying and Zoe because she just hated them for no reasons. Justine and John finished having their sibling moment. Justine released herself from her brother and was looking at everyone else. Her smile faded instantly while looking at them.

"What are these people doing her?", she had a disgusted look. 

John looked at them. "They are here for a case.", he spoke.

"I thought you were bringing your friends for the vacation. Well, they are not coming with us because they need to spend more on the case than having a life.", Justine was mocking them. 

"Of course."

Samantha looked at him. "But you said that it was fine just now.", she pointed out.

"Well, I change my decision. I don't want my lowlife officers coming into my sister's billion dollar car.", he was being insulting.

Riya knew that this car did not cost billions of dollars. "Well, you guys find you own transport because you all stink. Plus, you are more worthy of a taxi than my high quality beautiful car.", Justine snapped.

John laughed at them then walked towards his sister's car. Justine flipped her hair over her shoulder and walked like a model. Samantha was sick and tired of these siblings' nonsenses. If Ling was like that towards other people, Samantha would skin her alive. Riya took out her phone to call a Uber. Samantha, Ying and Zoe were watching her. Justine and John were in the car. John pulled down car window. 

"So long bastards.", he laughed out loud. 

Justine also tagged along then drove off. He also showed them his middle finger. The others watched the car leaving the airport. Samantha could not believe this. She hoped that karma would come for them. John and Justine were laughing out loud. 

"Those bastards don't deserve to travel in this beautiful car.", John said.

"Mom and Dad will be so proud of us.", Justine said.

They were laughing so loud that the entire airport could hear them. Suddenly, all the engines were not operating. Justine's car automatically stopped in the middle of the road. 

"What the hell?", Justine did not know what was going on. "I filled the petrol, Mom paid for the car expenses and Dad paid for the repairs. How come this car stopped operating?", she looked around the car. 

Justine and John were trying to figure out what was going on. Some cars were already hooting behind them. Only one car could go through the exit entrance one at a time which was really frustrating. Few cars already passed them. The drivers were swearing at them as the drivers were driving pass. Justine was checking what was going until she spotted a taxi slowly driving pass them. The back seat window opened and Riya's face appeared in the car. Riya looked at them with a smirk.

"So long bastards!", she shouted at them.

John looked out of the window. His face turned red when he saw her. "Miss Moodley, you will be receiving a lot of consequences for this. You will actually do this to your superior.", he said with so much anger.

"Like I care.", Riya said with so much attitude. "If you and your two faced sister didn't treat us badly, you two wouldn't be in the mess. Just because you are the Captain doesn't mean you are our superior. So, you are not our superior.", She snapped at John. Riya looked at Justine. "Be prepared to pay billions of dollars worth of damage because your billion dollar car is failing. By the way, I have the same car as you so your car doesn't cost billions of dollars."

Samantha, Ying and Zoe were laughing at them. Samantha was so happy that their karma came sooner than she expected. Justine and John were not looking happy at all. Riya was happy that her first task was done. There was more task for John and Justine. The siblings had humiliated Riya and her friends so much. John belittled them so much and stole all their works. Now it was Riya's turn to bring them some karma. 

Woman of Intelligence (Book 2 in the series)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang