• Sending it to you ❄️ (Chapter 32)

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(Now playing: Polaroid love - Enhypen)

March 28, 2018

I woke up in a spring morning. The snow are completely disappeared for few weeks.
We went for a road trip to Brighton

{ Vlog in.. 3..2..1 }

[ —START— ]

Hello guys! We are here in Nottingham with Aimsey, Ashley, Lisa and George!

"Hello guys"

"Aimsey in the house!"

"Hi everyone"

Gogy is waving lol.

"Hey guys!"

[ Fast forward ]

We are in a carnival, look the ferris wheel is so huge oh my god
Look at the view here. The view over here is visible,

"There it is! the sea!"

We take a break here then we are going to Aimsey's dream city

We are here. Brighton! Aimsey's dream city


"Let's go!!"

Look at the sea! It is huge!


Anyways we got this polaroid pictures that Ashley took us
Wow Ash, you're good at photography

"Yeah, I'm good at it"

Anyways I hope y'all guys enjoy this and see you soon

[ Vlog ended ]

Behind the scenes of the vlog

Grandma drove us to Nottingham for about 2 hours I guess
My bozos are already prepared for a day road trip
But the worst part is, traffic. It took us 10 minutes to wait until we finally drive to a freeway. London has a traffic

I was busy chatting with Niki while we're on a goddamn traffic. It sucks so much, it so loud so I couldn't hear what they're saying

"Why the hell traffic is so long—" I groaned while complaining

"Well traffic sucks all the time" Aimsey scoffs. "I hate traffic at all, just like Phoenix"

Yes, Phoenix has a massive traffic jam while it's boiling out there in summer, well also heat waves

We got into a road trip with my two bestfriends, traffic took us for many minutes. We got bored on board while my parents talking sh*t while driving. Niki needs to use toilet but there's no bathroom to see here

"Mrs.(l/n), are we there yet? I have to use the toilet" Niki excuses

"Poor Niki." My mom whimpered

"You should use the bathroom before we're leaving"

"But I did not use the bathroom before we drive" Niki replied

"Don't think about falling water" Shane replied

"Bestie, are you sure?" Niki asked if she's going to do that

"Yeah." He nodded

"Don't think about waterfalls." She repeatedly mumbling it

Until the traffic is over, we stopped on a gas station then we wait Niki to finish it


Niki wasn't active because we're in the different timezones. Well that's sucks
We finally drive to the freeway. I listen some random songs I found on youtube
The weather is clear and sunny

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