• Stay with me ❄️ (Chapter 36)

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(From the song "Stay - BLACKPINK")

(From the song "Stay - BLACKPINK")

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POV: You

Weeks later after the incident, it is a crazy yet terrifying event that happened between us in the three. I'd stay with Niki for days. I always talk to her, laughing with her with our jokes; we didn't care about the news

But the fans are scared if he got hurt much more, I tell them, he's okay, he needs a rest for weeks okay? I was hoping those two recovered from the terrible event and the people that are also there. How could we be friends with a person who hurts us and even Niki's poor heart

A day after my flower went out from hospital for recover, I was a bit often to talk because the things I have to. That time I was regretting someone we shouldn't be a friend went gone in flames and why? "Just got back from Niki's dorm for a talk, how can I help you?" Someone breaks up the silence, spoken so familiar and confusion fades out

I looked back from the behind and it was that dear little boy who's looking with a healing scars appears to his skin, I responded "Oh it's you, I'm gladly you came here for a while.", "Who says not?" what an idiot

The flower hits the soft mattress to settle then shift himself to close the empty space between us and smiled, "Who's we?" I replied in a not so disgust overgrown child. "What?"

"Nevermind." I stop saying that

(The next day)

POV: Nihachu

(y/n) went here with her overjoyed face "Niki! Come here." She said, she was dragging me "Wait- what do you mean?" I looked like a dumbfounded. She did not speak, she only grabs my arm, it is a bit of secured to hold me like this "Where are we going?" I tried to speak at her

"Just follow me." The only word that I could hear. We arrived at Kat's dorm with some of our friends too. "We are here." She said as she opened Kat's door widely, It seems they're busy, with some sound checks. Kat glanced seconds later

"Niki! Just in time." Kat waves

"I have no idea what's going on.." I replied

"Anyways, Niki, I introduce you to my boyfriend's producers except you know Wilbur there." (y/n) also pointed at Wilbur

"What are we doing?" I asked once again

"I'm writing a song, recently." She said

"I'm joining too." Kat added

"And yes also Kat, we're write a song together anyways." She clears her throat

"Oh umm." I scoffed to interrupt her a little

"Can you introduce your producers please?" I asked

"Oh yeah, well." She started

"This is Nathan." She pointed

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