• The helping friend ❄️ (Chapter 3) (A little CMC duo content)

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Spring of Year 2005

POV: Dream
Hi my name is Clay, his close friend
Before we graduated on Elementary
This my helping friend Alec,
We always doing our homework together
Sometimes if I can't understand the lessons we have, he always be here to help you
I remember Toby got bruised since PE
He take cares Toby since he got hurt

"Thanks" Tubbo smiled

"Next time you should be careful on PE class, but happy to help" He advice Tubbo

(Change My Clothes duo supermacy, THIS IS NOT A SHIP)

Alec diagnosed OCD and anxiety since he was young
As his friend, I should make him safe
He almost caught in a fight often but I'm always be here for my close friend
Tubbo also his close friend
They love feeding ducks on the city pond
Tubbo has benson, a night light duck
They have few duck toys on their rooms

"Quack!" Tubbo yelled

"Quack" He followed

POV: You
Niki and me are busy for our project on school
Then the Soft*Ahem* Alec,
Just entered the room

"Hi" he greets with his little voice crack

"Oh hi! Do you wanna help me for our project on school?" I convinced him

"Yeah sure!" His childish accent

He snatched some materials for the project
We finished the project few hours later

"Thanks for helping me" I said

"Happy to help you" he said with his sweet smile

He left Niki's room after shutting the door
He also winked on me, it's so cute

"y/n?! Hey y/n?! Y/N!!!" Nihachu yells

"Wha- what?" I shook

"Why aren't you listening to me?" She asked

She saw me blushing

"Do you have a crush on him" She added

"What no!! I'm 8 I can't do it to him!!, You misunderstood it!! I DON'T HAVE A CRUSH TO ALEC OHH COME-ON!!!" I complained loudly

"Aha!!" Nihachu teased

"Nikita please I didn't do that!!" I begged her

"You have a crush on Alec (10x)" she said for so many times

"Please Niki!! I'm not!! I'm not!!!" I begged her

"y/n, Nikita!!! What's going on there?" Her mom asked

"Umm nothing" I said

"Mom! y/n....." Nihachu stopped when I cover her mouth

"Shh shh shh, please Niki you misunderstood it I don't have a crush on him" I whined

I still can hear Niki's mumble

(Kinda hilarious tho anyways enjoy reading)

Nihachu is still mumbling few moments later
I begged her for so many times

"Ok ok ok!" Nihachu breathes

"Ok ok... You don't have a crush on him.." She added

"Say it again!" I command

"You.. Don't.. Have.. A crush on him.." She answers

"Good" I stand up

I shut the door

"*Sigh* Weirdo"
I flustered when Nihachu says "You have a crush" on my head
I left Nihachu's house, a few minute walk
I opened the door when I got home

"Hi mom" I entered

"Hey sweetie how's your project today?" She asked

"We finished it with a help from her classmate" I replied

"Ok.. Why is your face is red?" My mom confused asking

"What?! Nahh just from the walk" I said

I entered my room, lay on my bed. covers my face on a pillow
Till my mom called me for dinner
The dinner was still the same until now.

POV: Alec
After we finished the project
I heard y/n screams, Why is she's screaming while I'm go back home

"Suspicious" I said quietly

At home, I asked my mom to borrow her telephone
and she said ok

I called y/n

"Hi! What happened to you?? Why did you scream by the way?" I asked

"Niki's was so annoying, she said I have a crush on you what an idiot" she chuckled

"Wha-" I shook

"I mean I'm sorry, she don't understand" she added

"What the f-" I almost sweared

"Alec what did you say?" My mom asked

"I'm sorry mom" I apologize

"Don't say this word again or you're grounded" my mom warned me

"Oh ok"

"Did you almost swore?" She asked

"I'm sorry..."  I apologize

"Uh anyways bye!" she hung out the phone

"What was wrong with her?" I asked myself

That night was weird I don't know why?.

(How's your reading today... Keep on reading, btw the next chapter will make you cry good luck)

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