• The meet up ❄️ (Chapter 21)

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Part 3: See you soon

POV: Nihachu
Tomorrow, Me and my friends have a flight back to Arizona
The whole week was so unforgettable

First day:
After the display, Me and my bozos went road trip to Malibu
We having fun swimming, making sand castle, making cold dessert...
Tubbo aboard his boat to row around the open sea... He sails next to the shore, the sea was calm and the weather is clear
We run to follow Tubbo while he sailed to the sea
After he sailed, we went to a motel to take a rest
The road trip was so unforgettable with my friends
I saw my bestfriends one night, sat on a hammock nearby the tree, next to the shore
They chilling, stargazing as we did it last time
Wilbur went to my room while bringing his guitar
He sang his songs that he made, I love him playing his guitar
This day is the best day ever for first time on LA

Second day:
We went on Californian Counties, far away from city
There's so many trees, few houses around
We have picnics, silly games and so much more...

POV: You
He telled the story about his grandfather
While sitting on a tree branch on Afternoon

"My Grandfather is- is a veteran soldier, he grew up in a poor family... He's really kind person I've meet when I was a little boy" he said

"Oh" I nodded

"How's your grandfather now?" I added

"*Sigh* He passed away long time ago, I was 15 years old" his voice become lower

(Beautiful pain is a song that is all about his grandfather passed away since 2008)

"I also wrote a song about him *sniffs*"

I realized about his grandfather....

"What's the title of your song" I replied

"It's called Beautiful Pain"

"I'm really sorry about your loss... I'm sorry" I pat him

"Thank you... y/n" he said

The wind on the field appeared, the grass dancing from the winds like the sea
Really blue sky, birds flying everywhere
The sun will set in front of the tree we settle

"Can you... Sing it for me?" I replied

"What? Beautiful pain?" He asked

"Uh yeah please"

His voice singing with the wind, every verse he sang about it... This place become peaceful
As the Chorus came... The blow stops, the birds chirping, the stream next to a tree flows peacefully
I never heard that song before... I would never forget this moment

Third to fifth day:
POV: Nihachu
When we got back on LA... We got to a trouble about the bus
The engine f*cked up, we got stuck on a highway back to LA
Someone helped us to fix this engine
And only took it for hours to fix it, Dream helped the guy who fix the engine

POV: Wilbur(1)/Tubbo(2)/Alec(3)

1: We got stuck on a GOD-DAMNED highway
Toby just ignore what happened, he just like NOTHING happened.... Then my homie sleep like nothing happened too THEY'RE LIKE THE LAZY CHILDREN I NEED TO TAKE CARE OF!

I went out of the bus to take a look, the guy said "almost finished"
Then I rushed back to the bus to know the news


"Why'd you call us stupid children?" My homie moans


(When the engine got broken)

Narrator's kiss (Alec Benjamin X Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum