• Soft boy ❄️ (Chapter 1)

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(Playing: Peach - IU)

December 15 2001

It was Christmas party on Elementary school, My parents was on my classroom. Decorating for the party tomorrow.

Nikita and also me, having fun on snow on the school garden
Also There's Clay, Toby, Karl, Mark (a.k.a Ranboo), Tom playing. You know in the snow

An hour later, I'm walking around to school just to find Niki. But nowhere I could find her, I just sit in a staircase, so tired of finding Niki.

"Dang it! I can't find Nikita everywhere." I breathe heavily, I have been running around the school just to find her. "Where is she?" I worried myself

Few moments later, there was a boy walked down to the stairs, seems like I saw him everyday with Niki
He has brown (or maybe dirty blonde) hair, Green eyes, Quite taller than me
I looked up at him. He has the charm when he smiles.
Then the boy asked me

"Hey! What are you doing here?" The boy asked kindly "I'm just searching for Nikita everywhere but I couldn't see her.." I explained in a tired expression

"Nikita? Ohh, she's my classmate, she went to her classroom for the decorations for tomorrow." he answered "Wait are you Nikita's classmate?" I asked

I realized that was the boy that Niki's talking about, so nice to be his bestfriend I guess. "Yeah. So you're her bestfriend right?" He guessed it right "Yeah. We having fun since kindergarten." I added my grin

"Come with me!" He said with a sweet smile "I'm coming." I stand up and I held my hand to him as the lead, Then I followed the boy with me to Nikita's classroom

"Anyways, Umm what's your name?" He asked, while we're walking on the corridor "I'm (Your name) nice to meet you." I answered

"I'm Alec" he said softly

"What a cool name." I said, "How long have you been as Niki's closest friend?" "Since the first day of first grade, I saw her next to a school clinic." The little flower answered "Anyways I'm so happy to talk to you for a while." "Me too." I smiled

My eyes are kept looking at his face, I don't know why, every seconds I never get overwhelmed by your smile "How can I tell him?"

We entered Niki's classroom. Then Niki was there, helping with the others. She has a blonde hair with her blue-green eyes from her glance "Oh (y/n) sorry if I you had to find me elsewhere, my classmates need help to decorate those christmas decors." She apologize

"No, you don't have to say sorry Niki, all thanks to your close classmate." I replied back with the positivity "Oh hey Alec!" Niki replied from him with a big wave, "What's up Niki, I found your bestfriend anyways."

"Can you help me with this streamers?" She asked "Yeah. Sure" he said "(y/n) come help with Nikita!" He said with his softness "Ok you soft boy." I teased

I don't know why I came up with these names. "Why do you call me like that? Nevermind."

I laugh when he said why did he call "Soft boy" Then there comes Clay, the same color like this little flower I met. others entered this class few minutes later "Oy! What are you doing man?" Mark asked

"It might've hurt yourself." Mark worried about Clay doing the risk "Nah it wouldn't happen." Clay confidently claimed the ladder just two feet away from the ground, because it wasn't supported it has a high chance to out balance, then it happen

"Clay, why did you do that, you hurt yourself." That little flower responded quickly with his mom came closer to his "Ouch that hurts.." Clay complained with his sprained leg "I told you to be careful son." Clay's mom advice him with her concern. All of the classmates we're shocked when Clay fell down from a ladder

Few moments later the teacher announce "Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for participating this decorations for tomorrow, I hope you all having a great Christmas holiday. Happy holiday!" The teacher left.

"honey! Let's go to cafeteria!" My mom called me

"Do you want to eat lunch together Soft boy?" I asked him with kind of name "Yeah but Don't call me Soft boy. Just Alec" the little flower was so awkward Then we went to the cafeteria to eat lunch, Niki was also here to eat lunch together

"Oh anyways honey. Is this your new friend?" My mom asked "Yeah this is Nikita's classmate his name is Alec" "Oh nice to meet you." my mom smiled

"Wait where's your mom?" She asked "My mom was on work." He answered, "So Niki what's your lunch today?' I asked

"Salad, Steak and some berries." Niki pointed her lunchbox "Wow that's healthy." I amazed, "Yeah my parents feed me healthy foods everyday." Niki complimented

We having a good conversation while eating lunch together. We shared a lot of stories together, The snow falls outside of the window. It's quite cold outside. But we enjoy our food on lunch time

I feel like I had a new friend, that I haven't seen his beauty before. It's so nice to see them having a good talk

First chapter finished

Hewo from the author:

This is my first ongoing Alec Benjamin Fanfiction with the Dream SMP au
I made this cuz my imagination going wild lmfao
Also nice to meet you! I also re-edit those chapters to add some happening and fixing my grammatical errors plus I am a big fan of IU because of her songs

Anyways this is Niki Nihachu

Anyways this is Niki Nihachu

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- enjoy reading -

- Lili ❄️ / Erikah ❄️

Word count: 953

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