• I'm sorry, I love you, Goodbye ❄️ (Chapter 28)

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(Angst chapters! Enjoy)

November 05, 2017

Few days after Niki's birthday. Los Angeles become colder than October
He was live today in instagram for his fans, rambling some songs with his guitar

He looks happy, sometimes being dorky. I went inside of our bedroom quietly, trying not to bother his livestream. I saw of myself in a camera, he glanced at me

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," I apologize quickly as he glanced at me. The chat become chaotic as they found me.





My favorite youtuber is here !


Yo bestie u live?

"No. They're just surprised that you come here." The flower complies "Come here and show yourself on stream."

I walk closer. I waved a little "Hello" I'm little bit shy when I was in the livestream.

(IG live chat)

(y/n)! Hello



Aimee replied on the chat. My cousin is here too "Hello aimsey!" I waved again

(AN: Aimsey known in this story as Aimee is your cousin from London)

"So anyways, I just went here. So I need to do something?" I replied with my little wince. I stand up then I walk away. I hear what he say behind of it

"Well she's my bestfriend before,"

"Then we got into a relationship."

"She treated me like her little brother or just like bestfriends till now."

"Yeah. She's my girlfriend."

I smiled a little bit. Then I do a little chores in here

(Fast forward)

3:00pm PST

I was with Kat on her dorm. Talking about a new things to do. "I'm having an idea to write a song soon." I replied with excitement "Really?" She raised her one eyebrow

"I don't know. What song would be," I shrugged. That one that I almost attempt to laugh or giggle "Good luck, anyways." she rolled her own eyes "No need to say that, I know what I mean." I giggled

3:45pm PST

POV: Alec

She was talking with Kat for a while. Then her phone rings, in the middle of their conversation. I took her phone and interrupt her for a little

"Um excuse me Kat," I excuse Kat and (y/n). "Someone is calling you, can you answer it, and I'm sorry if I interrupt your talk with Kat."

"No, it's okay, hand my phone." She grabbed her phone from me, then she responded the call

POV: You

"Hello?" I started "(y/n), I have to tell you something you'll break your heart," the silence came.. "Your Grandfather is-" My mom paused. I don't know why

Narrator's kiss (Alec Benjamin X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now