• It's you again ❄️ (Chapter 6)

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(AN: this chapter until this story finished contains swearing, harsh and offensive language. Be careful before you speak - Erikah)

Early summer of 2010

POV: You

Me and my friends are graduated on highschool, we're really excited for the new friends to meet after we got into a nearest college in our street. Being a highschool student is fun and sometimes hard because we must remember the algebra without any calculator it's a pain in my ass

I remember Niki forgot our best friend's name celebrating his 14th birthday: I know the little picnic goes well. Until we made it through senior high, welp twice as harder but we kept trying to be on the average score

When I was in the tenth grade, Tobias caught cheating on a math quiz and his calculator confiscate, I was on a big face palm. I remember the prom without our bestfriend moved away but we've been shared our memories with my classmates: Niki had been crying over the pictures she has. I stayed on Niki's place for now after the prom

Because she knows what happened like the fresh wound. I felt for her, we both have these scars, we never write any letters for him once a month. I've waited ages to go to college, Niki was tired of waiting to see him once again; or maybe he had forgotten us now

Niki almost fell in love with our classmates but it turns out to be a criminal. Niki lost her focus on school after that incident, her sister is always on her side that evening, on her bedroom. "This wasn't her fault to trust the wrong person."

Yesterday, I went to a store for my supplies on college. I had only a red sweater on a cloudy day afternoon, I kindly entered the store with many people buying notebooks, pencils, rulers and a lot of supplies they need to buy. I take few notebooks from that shelf

There are people passing me, the sound of mumbling, a music from the ceiling softly playing, infants crying from the corner while the mother kept comforting. I have only few shelves left to go to the counter, but a boy just blocked my way.

I was lightheaded and focusing the counter, then the awkward reactions came when I hit the boy whose behind himself, my notebooks scattered the store's tile floor, "I am very sorry little miss!" His reaction; I quickly picked up everything but he helps me too. "It's okay, I can handle it sir." My reply. "Can I help you, good miss?" The boy picked few supplies I suppose to buy

"Thank you, good stranger." I grabbed the last notebook and a ruler from his hand. From my examination, he has the same aura of my old bestfriend that's on my picture in my wallet, he has dark blonde or might be brown hair, green eyes and slightly familiar to a voice of my old bestfriend.

I stand up and walk in the counter that has only two people. That boy walked in the second shelf in this store, he might be seems familiar but it's too impossible if he knows about me, or maybe he's just a stranger from the other town

The next morning, it's our first day on college. Niki and my friends are excitedly enters the school and put their bags on their own lockers, after closing my own locker, there was a boy that's on six feet away: I already met him on the store. But more suspiciously was Clay and Tobias was there

"I guess they got a new friend.", "Hey whatcha looking up?" Niki snapped me out, "About that boy over there," I pointed the direction and Niki responded "Wait Clay and Tobias are hanging out with their new school friend, why not?" "I met that boy yesterday from a store, I don't know if he's our bestfriend: I'm just curious though." I shrugged it anyways. Before Niki's reply, the bell rings

"See you on recess!" I walked on the corridor quickly to my classroom, I got into a seat two seats away from the chalkboard until our professor came in, "Good morning new students." And we said "Good morning professor.", "And before we start our class, let's have a pledge of allegiance."

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