"No. He was still sleeping at the time I left."

They nodded.  They know that we sleep together.

"I hope that I will be a grand man soon."

I laughed at that and I shook my head. She seemed disappointed.

"Do not be sad mam. You will be soon." She winked at her mam whom smacked her head. I love this beings but I do not like staying away form Ria , my baby and Delia. I wonder how Allan is doing. Is he sitting, can he walk? I wanted to be there as he did all those and also started talking. I was teaching him to talk when I was with him. I love him so much. We might not be related but to me he is my baby nephew and as I protect Aurelia and Delia I needed to protect him too.

We started arranging the table while talking. Eve hopes that one day she will meet Ria and they will get along. 

We heard a chuckle and we looked behind to find Adrian leaning against the door frame. 



"Goodmorning big brother ."

We started talking. Eve got angry cause we laugh at her when she said that she could not remember what she dreamt about.

They continued talking while Adrian obviously tried to get her forgiveness. They were only making each other angry. I wanted to interfere but I heard what Eve said which made me stop what I was doing.

"It is not my fault that you have not yet asked Issa to be girlfriend even though you've her so much." Eve said.

What! Does he really loves me?

What? Is it true?" 

"Wh ....at ....what?"

"Is it true what she has said? Do you really love me?"

"Am sorry issabelle about her. I did not want you to find out this way!"

"So it is true?"

He nodded his head. 

Why can't he say it out loud?

"Why don't you want to say it with your damn mouth? Anyways it is okay if you do not want to me." I said as i took a sit. Am getting angry. It was better the moment which I did not know but know.... I do not like it. I feel as if he is playing with my feelings even though he does not know what I feel for him.

The dining room was so silent.

I had not noticed when his parents had entered into the room.

They all had a sad expression. I suspect they really wanted him to tell the truth. What is he thinking about? Why can't he just tell me.

I will not talk to him if he will not tell me. I am tensed in the inside. What if Eve is just lying? I cannot concentrate. I heard him sighed and I looked at him.

"Yes. Yes. Okay? I truly love you. I am madly in love with you! He said that as he walked towards me.

As soon as I heard that I lowered my head since my cheeks were so pink I wonder why is that. He already has an effect to me even if he has not done anything yet.

"I hope you are not lying?" I said.

"No am not. I am sincere amore."

Immediately he said those words I hugged him tightly. I cannot hide my excitement.

"I love you too." I whispered at his ear.

He was shocked. I think he did not expect that from me.

He stopped hugging me and looked at my eyes and saw his eyes  were full of love, care and sincerely and also shock. 

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