The Twelfth Voyage

Start from the beginning

"Then I hope me, and my Generals do not disappoint." Those words definitely didn't flow out of Yamraiha or any of the other Generals. The voice was masculine and had a certain sweetness to it. Looking toward where the voice came from, my eyes widened a great deal. There, before me, was a handsome man with the most beautiful purple hair and amber eyes I had only seen a handful of times. He held such a radiance, the I almost forgot about his drunken state the day before... almost. With a small curtsy, I didn't say another word. Sinbad made his way down to his Generals and I, before approaching my figure. My eyes were gazing down at my boots as I debated about my next actions. 'Was I to act like nothing happened the day before? Do I bring it up? What to do...' Suddenly, my hand was lifted and not too long afterwards, a soft pair of lips grazed my knuckles. Instinctively, I pulled away and gave an awkward cough. I didn't see it, but I knew Sinbad held a slight frown on his features. "It is nice to meet you after all this time, Princess." Giving a curt nod, I felt the awkward atmosphere circle around the two of us. The other Generals watched from the sidelines.

I knew all too well how childish I was being; However, I just couldn't help it. I felt unwanted and I secretly cursed everyone who put me into this situation. "Sinbad, we should probably start." Ja'far voiced, holding onto Sinbad's shoulder to get his attention. In the process, he received mine as well. Ja'far gave me a quick grin before speaking once more, "I believe you will find this meal very satisfying, Princess. Afterall, you haven't eaten all day, hm?" Nodding nervously, I scurried over to the long table. As I was about to sit next to Spartos, I decided to face my fears. It seemed like Sinbad had no idea of the events of the day before, so there was a chance I could maintain my temper, which at that point, was already boiling over. I couldn't ignore him forever, so swallowing my pride, I sat the left of him. My eyes drifted down to the tablecloth's intricate embroidery, as I found some sort of solace and comfort.

My mother loved to embroider. Anytime she got the chance, she would pick up a needle, some thread, and any piece of fabric so she could doll it up the best she could. She taught my sister and I how to do it when we were finding comfort in Feanel. Those were happier times...

The sound of conversation and eating started to fill the room, as I was lost in my own thoughts. I didn't wish to initiate conversation due to keeping my emotions in check. Hearing my own voice was the last thing I wanted to hear. "I hope your journey was pleasant, Princess (Y/N)." Sinbad started, smiling fondly at me. Our eyes met for a second or two, before I realized I had to answer.

"As well as it could have been, King Sinbad." I answered flatly, wanting the conversation to go up in flames and inevitably die. Socializing with him was the last thing I wanted to do. Of course, it wasn't like he tried to do it to me but knowing that the man before me was... himself, left a bad taste in my mouth. 'I thought he was supposed to be the diplomat of the entire world... I guess I was wrong.'

"Well, I'm glad the waves have treated you well. I have been eager for your arrival. I have been meaning to establish a trade deal with Feanel for a very long time; However, it has seemed that we never had the time to do so. Your sister has written to me quite a bit on the subject, but she has refused to..." His voice eventually started to fade away from my mind as my eyes drifted to the wine glass in his hand. Anger started to bubble, but I tried to keep calm anyway. "I hope you have a wonderful time in Sindria, and that we can grow our countries."

"A wonderful time indeed," I spoke, "I do hope that you can live up to your words. Sindria is such a wonderful place I can't begin to comprehend how it was built by a King such as yourself." The room went completely silent. Not a sound filled the space. The Generals had turned their attention to the both of us, as if a brawl was going to ensue. Sinbad's eyes stared into mine, as I stared right back at him. He let out a dangerous chuckle, before replying.

"What are you trying to infer? Your words suggest that I am inadequate to run my country." Sinbad stated, as I continued to look upon him without fear.

"Hardly so. I merely insist that you, King Sinbad, speak of lies and fanciful untruths. You insist that what you can't remember is of no importance to the people around you. And upon that, I wonder how you treat your other affairs." The atmosphere remained dead quiet. Even Ja'far remained out of the situation at hand.

"And why pin such accusations, when there is no physical proofs?" Sinbad queried feeling more offended than angry. 'Proofs,' he said. The word all by itself made something snap.

"Proof?!" I spoke, "You want proof?! Many don't find it pleasant to sail on the sea for two weeks and get a mild case of a fever. Once I have arrived after such a long journey, what do I find? The King of Sindria deifying a woman and getting drunk out of senses, even though he, and his subordinates, knew of my arrival. The only few who dared to apologize was Ja'far and Spartos for their King's actions. However, the next morning, the King hasn't the slightest clue about the impertinence to not only a potential trade partner, but a Priestess. Pray tell... is that enough proof, King Sinbad? I'm sure if you want the details, you can ask Ja'far." Sinbad's head turned to said male for any sort of answer; However, Ja'far only looked away from his King in disappointment. I knew I had gone too far, but the damage had been done. Standing from my chair, I again faced the purple haired womanizer, "Now, if you excuse me, I have some more important matters to attend to. Good day." With swift steps, I walked out of the room, feeling some remorse for what I have done. Walking down random halls, hoping to find a way out, I eventually stopped for a moment, before taking out the letter I had written that morning. It was a request to my sister to send a ship. Sighing a little, I decided to send it; However, as I was about to start moving again, someone familiar yelled out my name.

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