Chapter 7

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When Mal and I finished getting ready, we left the room towards the dining room where the boys were already waiting for us.

After Mal and I took our food we started looking for the boys from the distance, Mal found them first and I follow her to one of the tables in the background.

I saw that the seat next to Doug was empty so I quickly took it. I took advantage of the fact that the others were talking and gave him a short kiss on the lips. When we broke up I saw that Doug had a silly smile on his face, which made me smile too.

While we ate our food. I saw that Doug had something resembling a small orange ball on his tray.

EVIE: Doug... What is that orange thing that you have on your tray? (I ask a little embarrassed for not knowing what it was)
DOUG: what? (he looked a little confused)
EVIE: that (point to the little orange ball)
DOUG: That princess, it's an orange. Is it a fruit, do you want to try it? (I had a tender smile on my face)
EVIE: (I just said yes with my head)

Doug started peeling the orange while explaining that once peeled, you had to separate the pieces so you could eat them. I just watched curiously as Doug did. The others saw the scene touched

DOUG: Here you have princess (he said giving me one of the pieces)
EVIE: Mmmmm (was the only thing I could say while I was starting to chew)


When Evie asked me what the orange ball on my tray was, I was confused. Then he pointed to an orange on my tray and I understood what she meant.

As I taught her how to eat an orange, she just watched intently as I did it. When she was ready I gave her one of the pieces and she quickly put it in her mouth.

DOUG: You like it? (I said smiling as I watched her eyes glow with excitement)
EVIE: yes (she said with a smile as she took another segment to eat it)
DOUG: Take, you can eat all the orange if you want (I said putting what was left of the orange on her tray)
EVIE: thanks...

DOUG: You like it? (I said smiling as I watched her eyes glow with excitement) EVIE: yes (she said with a smile as she took another segment to eat it) DOUG: Take, you can eat all the orange if you want (I said putting what was left of the orange o...

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As Evie ate the orange I put my hand on her leg as I joined in the conversation the other guys were having.

After a while talking I felt Evie get up without saying anything. After a few minutes she came back with another orange in her hands, I smiled when I saw that she really liked them.

It was rare for Evie to like that kind of thing, she usually always left the fruits after the first bite. I was happy that she will enjoy something as simple as an orange.

I could tell how Evie was having difficulty peeling the orange, so I took it from her hands carefully so I could help her while she looked at me with a smile and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

EVIE: I had everything under control.
DOUG: Sure princess, but I like to help you
EVIE: Thank you... (She said blushing)
DOUG: there is no need to (while returning the orange ready to be eaten)

I could see how the boys looked at us with a face of tenderness. Which made me smile a little nervously for Jay and Carlos. I really didn't want to run for my life again.

I decided to put my hand on Evie's left leg hoping she wouldn't be bothered by my action.

I was reassured to see that she gave me one of those beautiful smiles that only she knows how to give while recharging her head on my shoulder, she kept eating her orange quietly as if nothing had happened.

After a while, the boys left and Evie and I stayed talking at the table while I finished my meal.

DOUG: I see you liked the orange...
EVIE: Yes!!! It's the best thing I've ever eaten in life!!!
DOUG: God... You are so tender...
EVIE: You're cute too... Especially when you're focused on doing homework... (blushes)
DOUG: No more than you. Ok, I'm done eating, what do you think if we're going for a walk?
EVIE: I think it's perfect

Evie and I got up from the table and went hand in hand to the same place where we spoke the day we met. You could say it was our special place...

When we arrived, we decided to lie on the ground so we could see the stars that were beginning to peek into the sky.

Evie had her head recharged on my shoulder as I pointed out the different constellations there were.

After 1 hour watching the stars I offered to go to my room as it was starting to get cold and I had nothing to cover Evie. I didn't want her to wake up sick.

We arrived at my room and I saw that Ben was not in there, sure he must be in Mal's room. Those two became inseparable, I'm still surprised to see Ben so madly in love.

Evie came to my desk seeing that there was a sewing machine, she stared at it carefully as if it were the most valuable thing she has seen in her entire life.


When we got to Doug's room, I saw that he had a sewing machine on his desk. I stared at it, it was the prettiest sewing machine I had ever seen.

EVIE: Is it yours?...
DOUG: Yes, I tried to take classes once, but it didn't work very well that we say. EVIE: Does it bother you if I use it? ( I ask embarrassed and with my head down)
DOUG: Of course not princess!! Let me look for the fabrics I have stored in my closet.

Doug got up and went to his closet, it's been long ago since she didn't sew something, after a while Doug came out with several fabrics in his arms.


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