"I knew I could count on you." He began to walk away as the trembling blackness threatened to crush Annabeth.
"HELP ME!" she pleaded,
"Oh, don't worry," Luke said. "Your help is on the way. It's all part of the plan. In the meantime, try not to die."

The ceiling of darkness began to crumble again, pushing Annabeth against the ground.

Suddenly the dream started blur, a new image appearing in the darkness, forming a new scene. It only took Malina a couple of seconds to identify the familiar scene. In the distance an altar stood tall surrounded by discarded stuffing and stuffed animal carcasses. In the sky purple lights danced around painting the surrounding area in a develish light, causing goosebumps to spread across her skin.

She had been here twice before. But just as it had the other two times the image started to blurr into a mass of darkness, cutting her of before she could so much as identify her surrounding's. But before the image was completely dissolving she caught a glimps of a blond boy holding up a knife, ready to take another life.

Again her dream started to morph into darkness.

Malina found herself standing in what appeared to be an old cottage. Her feet tapped against the old wood of the floor boards as she carefully made her through an dark corridor. The house appeared very worn, most likely abandoned years ago. On the floor she spotted a newspaper that looked to be in fairly new condition. The date read June 5th 1996. So it already happened Malina concluded, 9 Years ago.

A strange feeling started to bubble in Malina's gut, telling her that she wasn't alone. A low howl shook the house causing Malina to flinch. Her hand started to reach for her sword only to find it missing. Her eyes continued to search the darkness for the cause of the noise as she continued to make her way through the house.

Stepping into what appeared to be a living room Malina's eyes landed on a toddler? Doing a double take to make sure she wasn't imagining it Malina took a deep breath to calm her rasing heart. Sitting amidst a dosen wolves was a small toddler no older than two happily clapping his hands together.

He was holding a wooden sword, waving it around and shouting insults to imaginary opponents. The wolves didn't seam to mind him at all.

Taking a closer look at the boy, she could see a couple of bruises adorning his arms and a small scar above his upper lip.

"For Rome" he shouted before slashing at another invisible monster. "Fear me, for I am your saving grace!"

Malina sat bolt upright in bed, clawing at the soft satin sheets. There was no sound in the cabin except the occasional snoring from another bed. While searching for a clock with her eyes she tried to calm her breathing. The dreams she has experienced weren't as bad, she tried to remind herself.

Finding The clock she found that it was a couple minutes after four. 7 hour's of sleep. More than usual.

Her thoughts travelled back to the dreams she just had. She couldnt really do much with the last two, not knowing any context what so ever.

The first dream was quite omnies.
She knew Annabeth was in danger, but not where she was, although she had a pretty good quess.

Without thinking of were she was going Malina started to make her way across camp. The damp grass tickled her exposed feet causing a shiver to speed across her skin. In hindsight it probably wasn't the smartest idea to go outside in the winter without shoes. Carefully wrapping her jacket across her upper body she stopped in front of the Poseidon cabin.

"Can i come inside?" Malina asked Percy nervusly shuffeling her feet. Why had she thought that showing up at his cabin in the midle of the night was a good idea? Ah right, she hadnt thought at all.

"It's just i couldn't sleep, and i remeber you telling me that i could use ypur fountin to call my aunt. I know it's like 4 am, and  i can come back later, but i thought i just ask." Malina explained looking at Percy.

Percy hesitated for only a moment before fully opening his door and letting her in. The cabin was, to put it simple, a complete mess.

Percy who noticed her staring at clothes on the floor flushed red. "Im sorry, I didn't think you would come" he mumbeled looking at the floor.

"I think it may be a little late to call your aunt. Do you want to do something else?" Percy asked. "Do you want to talk?"

"Sure let's talk" answer Malina taking his hand and pulling him down onto the floor.

And that's exactly what they did. They talked untill they could see the morning sun painting over the darkness of the night.

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