( EIGHT !! )

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I HAVE NEWS. Somehow, he'd gotten my phone number? I'd blame Eden but really, I wasn't all that sad. We talked for ages about anything and the whole time, I was screaming.

I had to force myself to put my phone on my desk and get homework done.

God, I need to get over this. I need to get over him. There's no way in hell he'd ever like me back! I'm not even sure I like him myself.

Yeah, he's attractive. Very. But I don't know if this is a crush or just a cute guy I've met. And even if it was a crush, it'd go nowhere.

I'm too much of a wimp to ask someone out, let alone stick around to hear their answer. I mean, there's a good chance I'm just going to hurt myself. I need to get over him.

I don't want to get over him though. It feels good, you know? This feeling. This warm, fuzzy tingle in the bottom of my stomach.

I'm so done with all of this. I can't sit around all day, wasting my life and getting nothing done. I want to change something and only I have the power to do that.

Yet again, I picked up my phone and opened it. Replying to his lastest message, I added:
'When are you free?'

His reply was swift and reliable;
'Would tomorrow be good for you?'

After checking my calendar, I sent a message back;
'Nothing tomorrow! Can you do 12:30pm at the local park?'

I switched my phone off and buried my head in my hands, my blood pumping in my ears. In front of me, came a muffled ping.
Reluctantly, I turned my phone on.

'See you there Blondie.'

Not wanting him to thinking I'm ignoring him, I sent him a smiley face that's constructed with a colon and bracket.

Once again, I switched off my phone and set it down on my bedside table, now able to properly get on with my work.

Our 'friendship', or whatever you want to call it, developed quickly over just a few weeks. This frightened me and caused me to think that we were rushing into this too fast.

But of course he didn't think that. He thinks of me as just a friend, nothing more. So, I need to calm down and think the same. He's just a friend.

Just a friend.


I got a goodnights sleep. I woke up early and did my makeup, which I don't usually put so much effort into.

𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐄 , jaeden martellWhere stories live. Discover now