Ominous Revelations

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It startled them as before she let out a yelp of pain had managed to activate the lock. Xiao raced to her side seeing her trembling as the odd energy soon faded. Her glowing parts of the armor turned back to electro. He had no time to ask if she was alright as the snarling reptile sleeked out of the cage. "Eeek!!!"he heard Paimon squeal just barely getting away. Xiao fast to dispose of the beast. Unknown to them Lumine had recovered from whatever had happened, gone into the cage, and was now walking out soaking wet with the lab record book in hand.

"Are you alright?"Xiao asked. "Just what was that now?"

"It's...complicated."Lumine informed. Before their eyes the book that was so ancient got swallowed in a golden glow from Lumine's touch. Even she seemed surprised as now in her hand the book looked brand new. Not a speck of dust, mold, or torn pages. 

"Woah!!! How did you do that?"Paimon asked.

"I'm not sure, I didn't do anything. I j-just...just grabbed it."Lumine stammered.

Xiao was just as surprised but he had noticed the faint glow from Lumine's eyes when this odd phenomenon had transpired. "It's like she turned back the hands of time on that book...but how?"he thought. Lumine was becoming more of a mystery to him the more and more light was shined onto her. She defiantly wasn't human...not after this stunt he witnessed.

"Well Paimon's curious let have a peek inside ok? Pretty please?"Paimon begged.

"I don't know..."Lumine hummed before turning her gaze to Xiao, nodding his encouragement. He too was curious to see what was inside. "Fine we'll have a look but not in this lab."she relented earning excited cheers from the fairy. Quickly they hurried off, finding a decently lit and safe spot not far away. The sound of the fire and boiling stew as they got comfortable. Lumine cracking open the book as her friend and husband peeked over her shoulder. 

"Read it, Lumine. That passage there!"Xiao pointed out one spot in the records' notes.

Lumine nodded and began to read the passage out loud...

The results of the intelligence tests are astonishing. "Void-207-Vishap Intelligence Research". Through a screening process consisting of rewards and punishments (although previous research indicates that screening is unnecessary — vishaps are, one and all, adapters par excellence), the linguistic capacities of vishaps four generations down are starting to approach that of a 12-year-old human student. Perhaps it might be more accurate to say that vishaps always had their own methods of communication, and what they are displaying here is their ability to learn.

"Wait, wait, wait a minute!!"Paimon was swift to stop them. "Let Paimon get this straight they were...using those vishaps like lab rats!?"

"So it would seem."hissed Xiao. "As I said I was born in Teyvet, but the elders would often tell tales of the intelligence of the vishaps."



Lumine nodded before continuing to read the article....

We believe that these experiments should be stopped. If not, we may yet be proven narrow-minded for having dismissed that last person who wrote a fantastical tale about vishap-people.
Prophecy holds that there  will be born in a human form. We must not let this thing happen in Enkanomiya.

Lumine froze, eyes wide as realization dawned across her and Xiao's faces. But as usual Paimon didn't seem to be catching on as dense as she was. Instantly the couple's minds floated back to events prior back below the Dainichi Makochi. Slowly Lumine put the book into her dimensional storage and got to her feet. "Paimon do you mind watching the pot?"she slowly asked.

"Um, ok? Are you and Xiao going to go be lovey dovey again cause Paimon doesn't want to know."pondered Paimon with a curious look.

Xiao was fast to catch onto Lumine's little scheme and went over to her side, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes. "Clever girl."he thought scooping Lumine up into his arms, making her laugh before kissing her.

"Eeewwww!!! Get a room!"squealed Paimon in disgust. 

"Off we go then."Xiao hummed before vanishing in a dark mist with Lumine in his arms. Soon reappearing on the other side of this floating island. Xiao setting her down carefully. "You clearly didn't want Paimon to hear our conversation. You...came to the same revelation as I, didn't you?"he asked crossing his arms, turning his gaze towards the massive anemo ray that lazily flew by them. Lumine looked uncharactistically serious and cold, if not troubled as she too gazed out into the black abyssal sea of cloudy murk. The lone splendor of the temple the only brilliance in this dreary place between worlds. But honestly Lumine seemed almost a little bit pale as she forced herself to sit down, Xiao quick to join her and pull her close into his arms. 

"I did."she confirmed.

"It would explain the behavior of the vishaps down there towards her."he agreed. he could feel her torrent of emotions. It was pure chaos and confusion but it made achingly accurate sense now. 

"Prophecy holds that they  will be born in a human form. We must not let this thing happen in Enkanomiya."Lumine stated as she quote the line from the records. Memories of her soft spoken, tactful friend she and Xiao had grown so close to during the Vision Hunt Decree. 

"Sangonimiya Kokomi...."sighed Xiao with a worried furrow of his brow. What a cruel and twisted plot the world and fates had woven for their friend....and what an ominous one it was. Slowly they both recalled the words Enjou had stated just hours ago prior....

...Enjou to their shock turned his gaze right onto Kokomi first. "I don't envy the fate you have on your shoulders Lady Kokomi Sangonomiya."

"What?"Kokomi looked very confused. "I don't understand."

"Oh but you will, Divine Priestess."Enjou assured....

The leader and Divine Priestess was the reincarnation of one of these sovereigns, whatever that meant. But as they left to return to their camp where Paimon was waiting, their minds deep in thought. Xiao and Lumine couldn't help but worry and wonder. What cruel and twisted plot was Kokomi destined for?

To Be Continued...


[A/N: That's a real entry from the books from the Enkanomiya quest. But the future does look dark for poor Kokomi. I'll see you guys in the next chapter with the biggest revelations yet....dun dun DUUUNNNN!!!]

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