"So it seems."Xiao stated firmly.

"I quite like you lot. You've got gusto and lots of spirit, that'll take you far down here."laughed the man. "Hopefully by the end of this you'll count me part of your lil' team, I'm sure the five of us will get along just swimmingly."

"Oh where are my manners? Let me introduce myself I am Enjou and I'm a researcher and linguist that was sent to aid you."introduced Enjou.

"Paimon is Paimon and these two are Lumine and Xiao they were just married not that long ago."introduced Paimon.

"I don't think I need to but I'll introduce myself. I'm Sangonomiya Kokomi, Divine Priestess of Watatsumi."greeted Kokomi still eying him with caution.

"Married? My, my, that explains everything. Elemental races are super protective and territorial over their mates."noted Enjou. He then turned his coal grey eyes onto Xiao before politely bowing. "Do forgive me for such rudeness getting so close to your dilectus, oh Golden Wing King."

"Hm. Don't do it again without her permission."sighed Xiao, earning curious look from the girls. Xiao though, Lumine could feel the sense of surprise coming from him.

"Dilectus?"echoed Lumine.

"It's from the ancient tongue, Miss Lumine. It means 'Beloved' and its what the yakshas addressed their mates."explained Enjou. "But enough of that, I believe you have a blood coral branch to obtain yes? it'll be my job to help translate the ancient texts and guide you all."

"Where do we start Enjou-san?"Kokomi asked.

"Well..."Enjou began. The scholar went on to explain the sites of each trial as he pointed to each spot on the stone map. Kokomi all the while not keeping her eyes off the man her suspicions only seeming to grow. Xiao keeping himself between Lumine and Enjou on purpose. A subtle reminder he did not like the man getting close to his partner. Eventually a course of action was made and as they headed out Lumine rolled up her map as they went towards the first trial.

"He seems really nice and funny, Paimon likes him."Paimon piped up eagerly.

"He seems reasonable, for a mortal...but don't be so swift to trust others."Xiao pointed out.

Lumine though froze at spotting Kokomi had stopped walking along the worn down and dusty road. The shrine priestess seemed troubled and lost in thought. As if something was eating at her. Concerned, Lumine went over to the pastel ombre haired catalyst user. "Kokomi are you alright?"she asked.

"It bothers me."Kokomi stated.

"What bothers you?"Paimon asked.

"Enjou-san. I do not recongise him at all and I know everyone that lives on Watatsumi island and every scholar that has set foot on my island."Kokomi pointed out. "Caution should be taken towards this scholar."

Xiao, Lumine, and Paimon could only stare at Kokomi's words and warning. Her words troubling to them as they hurried to complete each trial. Eventually all the trials complete, golden bridle in hand, they made their way to meet back up with Enjou. The very temple that had been Xiao and Lumine's haven now in their sights. Lumine's concerns sending a shiver up Xiao's spine at feeling her worry and suspicions. 

Lumine slightly startled briefly at feeling Xiao take her hand into his from behind. Leaning in to whisper in her ear as they slowed and lingered behind Kokomi, Paimon, and Enjou. "Concerned?"he asked softly.

"You felt it did you?"Xiao gave her hand a soft squeeze in a silent and reassuring promise. "Yes. I'm having some reservations about Enjou."

"Caution is a must here, I agree. But for now I sense no malice or ill intent from that man. He may very well be using us but we're using him also."he whispered. Lumine giving a soft smile  before leaning into him with a content hum. In kind earning a soft purr as she ran her hand through his hair.

"His words about him being a monster sounded like a weird joke but...I saw no joke. Xiao his eyes changed for a split second. They didn't notice."she whispered, making him tense. His golden gaze turning towards the girls where following Enjou to the temple. That mortal was way too fast on his feet. Yes...they would need to keep heed of Kokomi's warning and their suspicions. Especially since Xiao's instincts were snarling warnings since laying his eyes on this man. Enjou had tried to move Lumine's scarf where the sight of his still healing mark had been left. He had come close to acting but Lumine had beat him to the punch, using her anemo on pure impulse. That had been amusing to Xiao; Lumine could handle herself, she wasn't weak. 

"Hey you guys hurry up!"called Paimon.

"We're coming, Paimon don't worry."Lumine shouted. Quickly dragging Xiao by his hand after their friends. They had a coral branch to retrieve after all.

To Be Continued...

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