Chapter 5 - They Meet

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A/N: For plot's sake, let's pretend that Techno wasn't around when Fundy went to the orphanage last chapter or something. I kind of forgot that Fundy literally went to the place that all of the sleepy bois are living when I started writing this chapter.

-Fundy's POV-

I've always known that Dad and Grandpa had two brothers other than each other, but I'd never met them. But guess what?! Today, I'm going to go to the park with all four of them! Hmm, would they be my uncles or my great-uncles (1)? I don't know, but I can call them "uncle" either way because "great-uncle" is kind of long. Father won't let Mom stay there this time, but she's going to drop me off and pick me up so I don't have to walk forever. Mom said that even though it's only a 10 minute drive, if I tried to walk it it would take two hours just to get there because people walk so much slower than they drive(2).

Anyway, Mom takes me to the park, and after making sure I find Dad and Phil, she leaves. With Will and Phil, there's a 15-ish year old boy that looks kind of intimidating, not gonna lie. Also, there's another tall kid with fluffy blonde hair, who looks a few years younger than Dad but definitely still a lot older than me. I'm assuming he's Tommy, since I know Tommy is the youngest, leaving the other guy to be Techno.

After Phil introduces us, (I was correct in who was who, by the way,) I say, "Uncle Techno! You're the one that told Will about the X-ray mod for Minecraft! It's so cool! Do you know of any other cool mods?"

-Techno's POV-

(We're going back in time a bit here)

Wilbur really wants Tommy and I to leave the house for an afternoon to meet and play with this kid that he knows really well at school. Ugh. I, of course, tried my best to sit out of it and just stay home. I have potatoes to farm, I can't let SquidKid get ahead of me because I have to meet this random kid! I tried to plead my case to Phil, but he of course took Wilbur's side since he also loves this kid. He didn't even flip the coin like he usually does!

I'm not sure how Tommy feels about it. He doesn't seem super excited to hang out with this 6-year-old, but apparently he's willing to because he didn't have anything else he really wanted to do at the time. Also apparently he met Fundy once when he came to the orphanage and thought he was kind of fun to be with. So I can't even team up with Tommy to argue to stay home.

Sighing, I give in. Phil says that if I go and am not a pain about it, he'll edit a YouTube video for me, so that's always a plus too.

Anyway, we finally go to the park, and soon after we arrive, this Fundy kid gets dropped off by his mom and comes over to us. I know a bit about Fundy from Will and Phil talking about him. I know some things about him, such as brief ideas of what his family life is like, how he likes playing Minecraft and specifically changing the game to work how he wants it to, what subjects he does and doesn't like, what his favorite songs are, etc. But that's not really knowing him.

When Fundy walks over, Phil introduces us to him and him to us. Imagine my surprise when the first thing he says after finding out our names is "Uncle Techno! You're the one that told Will about the X-ray mod for Minecraft! It's so cool! Do you know of any other cool mods?"

Uncle? Oh, I forgot he calls Will "Dad" and Phil "Grandpa". I guess I'm now an "Uncle". As to the question, I guess I can answer that. Hopefully Phil will give me "not being a pain" points for this.

"Well, there are a whole lot of mods that can do various things, depending on what you want. There are mods that just retexture things and add new items, there are ones that make you jump super high or take less damage or become giant or harder to craft things or basically anything. I don't usually use mods all that much though, I usually do more combat-related things, as well as my potato farm."

"Wait, mods can do anything? How many are there?"

"I have no clue, but there's a lot."

We talk about mods for another little while.

"Just about anyone can make a mod if they know how, and there's a lot of people that play Minecraft."

"So, you're saying that if I learned how, I could make my own mod to do whatever I want?"

"Yeah." Fundy seemed super excited when I told him that. Welp, I did my weekly dose of socialization. At least Fundy's half decent to talk to. He doesn't talk about whatever boring thing most 6 year olds talk about, but rather talks about interesting things like Minecraft, even if he would rather talk about mods than the most efficient ways to harvest potatoes and sabotage your opponent in Skyblock.

-Tommy's POV-

Will invited us to go with him to the park to hang out with Fundy, and I said "why not" because my friend Tubbo was out of town and no one else lived near enough to visit without Phil driving me. So I kind of needed something to do anyway. Besides, Fundy's not too annoying, and mostly Will and Phil bother about him, so I can kind of do my own thing. I made sure my phone is fully charged so if I get too bored, I can text one of my friends.

When we get there, Fundy and Techno nerd out about Minecraft, and I start to get bored. I send a quick, "Hey, how r u? Doing nethign interesting?" to Tubbo before looking up, since Fundy is now moving on from that conversation.

"Hey Wilbur, can you play some music?"

"Sure, what song do you want?"

"I don't know, but play something really good."

"Uh, okay, how about One Day?"

"Nah, you played that last time."

"Alright, what about Jubilee Line?"

"No, that's kind of sad. It's fun hanging out with you, I don't want a sad song!" When Wilbur was looking down at his guitar, thinking of songs, I saw Fundy's mischievous look. Oh, I see what he's doing. And that's definitely something I can get behind.

"What about The Fall?"

'Well, uh..." Fundy was running out of reasons to not listen to songs, so I thought I'd jump in.

"Oh, come on! You've spent so long practicing that song that I'm tired of hearing it! I'm sure even Phil and Techno have heard it a million times by now, and they don't even share a room with you! Pick a different one!"

"Alright... Your New Boyfriend?"

"Ew, romance plus a sad song? No thanks. Next!" Fundy says, having found inspiration again.

We continue doing this until Wilbur gets annoyed enough that Phil has to step in and make us stop teasing him.

I later look at my phone and see that I completely ignored Tubbo's response. Whoops.


1. In case anyone doesn't know, a great-uncle or great-aunt is your grandparent's sibling. In my family, I just call them "aunt" or "uncle" because that's close enough, so I had Fundy do that too, and also to solve the problem.

2. Mathematically speaking this is true, the average person walks at 2mph (if you don't use miles then the speeds and times are wrong but you should still understand the point), and the speed limit in residential neighborhoods is 25mph. That means that in 10 minutes, you could drive just over 4 miles if you're going constantly that speed (the stop signs and people crossing the street get canceled out by probably not being on residential roads the whole time), while someone walking would take 2 hours to walk 4 miles.

Chapter Word Count: 1155

Total Word Count: 1335

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