From : Harry

Babe are you awake ..

From : Harry

I wanna tell you something ... it's okay you're asleep .

From : Harry

Goodnight baby girl ... I love you .

Guilt washes over me and my mind is begging me to tell the truth but my body and fingers just becomes immobile .

My phone vibrates to inform me of a notification .

My eyes almost pop out of its socket .....

Luke Hemmings texted me .

From : Luke

Hey , I'm not sure if you're free tomorrow but I was hoping you 'd wanna go out tomorrow for your birthday treat .

To : Luke

Hey .... awww you don't really have to do that .

From : Luke

Yes , I do but if you don't feel like it .. you don't have to .

To : Luke

I would love to :)

From : Luke

Um ... where do you want to go ?

To : Luke

Why don't you choose ..

This is funny we can't even make up our minds ....

From : Luke

No , you choose and I 'll pay ..

To : Luke

Why don't we go ice skating ?

From : Luke

Yeah sure ... okay around 11 a.m ?

To : Luke

Yeah sure ..

From : Luke

I hope it isn't awkward ? Because tomorrow is Valentine's Day

To : Luke

Why would you think it's awkward ?

From : Luke

Um.... because of how we ended things ..

To : Luke

Nah ... it won't be

From : Luke

I 'll meet you in the bus stop in front of your place .

To : Luke

Yeah , sure .. see ya goodnight ..

From : Luke

Nights :)

Me probably doing the happy dance because we talked . Flips hair and shakes booty to WORTH IT by Fifth Harmony ft Kid Ink

I miss everything that happened between me and Luke . He was the sweetest thing but I took him for granted and lost him .

Til now , he doesn't know how I actually felt for him . He probably thinks I'm a selfish bitch who doesn't love him but trust me on this .. I love him even though I'm suppose to be moving on .

Finally , it's past 12 which makes today Valentine's day .

Is it weird I'm plotting my moves for tomorrow's date on how I will get him back .

I shall try that pretend to fall asleep on his shoulder trick .

Beep ! Another notification . From instagram

You have been tagged in a photo by Harry Styles .

What is this ? I clicked on the photo

The caption killed me ...

Happy Valentine's day baby ♡♥♡♥

He posted a selfie and tagged me on it .

Shit's gone overboard .. Luke is going to see this picture on instagram .. there goes my life ....

Time gave me a chance to talk to my other half but it also took it away in minutes ....


Note : hi , peeps I finally updated a chapter . * claps hands..

Thanks a bunch for those increasing reads , it motivates me to write another chapter .

I would like to clear a few things up ...

1. She is not playing Harry .. in a way she wants to protect his heart but she's hurting herself more .

2 . Luke is the guy she's in love with and now she wants to make it right between them .

3 . I hope I'm not copying any authors story or have a similar plot . Sorry if that happens

I know most of us go through complicated stuff like this or even worst . Remember don't give up and run away like I would ..

Face them and if you think you can't , pretend you are writing your life story and only you can change the ending . I know you can :)

Btw I'm gonna change my initials to this

Love : AJ♡

I love yall Like Xo


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