5: The General

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With a red face, Ningguang walked up to her bed to lay on it and stuffed her face into her pillow. Baishi... You...!


After a while of stuffing her face into her pillow thinking of Beidou, Ningguang ate her soup and finished the tea Baishi gave her. She then fell asleep due to being tired from perhaps thinking too much and woke up when the sky was already dark. Ningguang sprung out of her bed. "Oh no." The lady walked up to her window and cursed the life out of her... well not really, she was just very disappointed she slept for too long, especially since she missed the time of the day to try to go back to Beidou's wardrobe.

She walked up to her door and opened it. Ningguang looked both ways in the hallway to find it empty. "Baishi?" There was no response. She crept out of her room and began to walk in the halls, not sure what exactly she was doing. The Jade Chamber sounded quiet and once again there were no guards or even the secretaries around. Not even a sign of the other agents, too. Is everyone in their rooms? Ningguang didn't know what exactly the time was. She continued to walk around and decided to enter the library, although she didn't know what she was doing there. There was little to no light in the library, as the light of the moon shined through the windows.

Ningguang strolled around the huge library, touching books as if she was a lost child. She then decided to pick up the book she was reading last time, so she walked over to the bookshelf where it was placed. Once she arrived at the designated bookshelf, the book she was looking for wasn't there. The lady suddenly remembered she left it near the couch she slept on, so she made her way to the couches, only to find that same figure that had been lingering on her mind, sitting on the couch.

"Sleeping here again?"

Beidou looked up at NIngguang. She was reading the book the tianquan was looking for, 1000 Years of Loneliness. The general closed her book and placed it aside. She crossed her arms and legs. Ningguang found it oddly attractive. "Did you rest well?"

Ningguang just stood rooted at her spot. "Yes."

"That's good," Beidou said. "What are you doing here in the library, late at night?" It's already late at night? I definitely have been asleep for so long... Ningguang thought.

"I only woke up a few minutes ago and decided to continue the book you're reading," the lady answered. Beidou sat up and picked up the book beside her. "Ah, this." She held the book in one hand and examined it. "It is interesting, isn't it? I see why you have picked it up."

Ningguang was wondering what made Beidou want to read the book she was reading. "I shall continue reading this another day, then." The general stood and handed the book to the lady. She gracefully accepted it and hugged the book in her arms. "Thank you."

Beidou started a different conversation. "If you have been wondering the whereabouts of your vision, it is with me." Ningguang stared at the general. "I gave you this vision because I saw the potential and skills you have. You were an exceptional agent, Ningguang. I entrusted you with this and you continued to be amazing as always; reliant, smart, adept..." The woman slightly shook her head which looked like disappointment. "I fear now that you have changed, that something about you is going on and it is not making you focused." Ningguang kept silent as she was a little bit lost and continued to listen.

"Ningguang, did something happen to you while you were out in the field?" Beidou slowly inched closer to the lady. "Were you injured elsewhere that it made an impact on your performance?" Beidou's tone began to get softer. "Answer me, Ningguang." She placed both of her hands on the lady's shoulders, making Ningguang flinch at the sudden action. Her heart was racing.

"... Are you hiding something from me?" Beidou's voice lowered. She kept her gaze on Ningguang's eyes, waiting for a response.. The lady quietly gulped and answered, "I am fine. Nothing happened to me, mark my words."

The general inspected her eyes for seconds, but Ningguang felt like it was a minute. She let go of the lady, stood straight, and heaved a small breath. "If that is so, I will continue to keep your vision with me until you have once again improved. I cannot tolerate you having this vision if you are not getting any better." Ningguang remained silent to avoid any trouble, but her eyes told of frustration.

"I will have Dr. Hu Tao inspect you tomorrow morning." Beidou said with a stern voice. It was obvious that the general didn't buy what the lady said. Ningguang found what Beidou's words ironic. "Then you shall begin more training with the other agents. If I have seen you are once again outstanding, you shall receive your vision back." Ningguang nodded her head, but in her mind were her thoughts. I cannot believe this... I must get my vision back before the war starts, before I can return home. Although her vision wasn't something she wanted to keep in the past, she developed some kind of worth for it over time.

Yet after all that, she still couldn't believe that she was taking orders from Beidou. She never imagined that day would come.

The general continued to keep her eyes glued at Ningguang. The lady began to get nervous because Beidou wasn't saying anything to her, but stare at her. The room was awfully silent and the moonlight continued to shine through the library's windows. Suddenly, Beidou looked down at an angle the lady couldn't see her face well and let out what sounded like a breath as well looked like a quick small smile. The general then looked at the moon through the window and once again faced Ningguang.

The lady was startled when Beidou abruptly touched the side of her cheek with her right hand, feeling how soft it was. Ningguang didn't recall that look in Beidou's eyes. It was like a mixture of softness and peacefulness as her eyes glimmered from the moonlight.

"Don't sleep too late. You wouldn't want your beautiful face to get dark circles now."

Ningguang's heart skipped a beat from her words. Beautiful. That word she's used to hearing it from other people, but coming from Beidou... She will never get sick of hearing that word if it'll always come from her. Ningguang cherished precious words that come from Beidou's mouth as only a true treasure captures the eye of Beidou.

The general let go of her cheek and walked away. Ningguang wanted to say goodnight to Beidou, but she didn't have the guts to. Instead, she just watched the woman walk away and exit the library. When she left, Ningguang sat on the couch and buried her face into her book as she let out a very wide smile. She indeed, was once again red. Although she wished those words came from the actual Captain Beidou, she was just very happy because it still came from Beidou. General Beidou.

Despite the fact that the lady couldn't return home, today was indeed something for Ningguang.

A/N: AAAA i actually drew an alternate drawing for the scene beidou holding nings cheek but it didnt turn out the way i wanted it to be sooo yeah i ended up redrawing it. ARGHH well im just glad i have something for this chapter lol

im also a bit upset at myself for having to only publish chapters at the end of the week. ive been writing chapters throughout the week but the drawing process is what also takes me a long time to do. 

im trying my best to maintain my studies but also continue writing and drawing. sorry for the long wait for every chapter.

with that said, have a nice day!!!

Captain Beidou Is a General?! (beiguang)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang