Hale's eyes glitter as he looks over me. "Ah, yes, I'm sure you're glad..."

"Hey, I am. It may have been slow in that department since Will, but I'm not going to-" I break off, realising what I was about to admit.

Hale pushes off the bed, straightening. His height is suddenly more imposing than usual, as he strides toward me, the space between us vanishing.

"Not going to what?" he asks softly.

My mouth falls open, but nothing comes out. All my thoughts melt into nothingness, all from the heat of his silvery gaze.

Splaying my hands back behind me, my fingers brush against the wall. "When you get this close to me, I can hardly think."

One last step has my back pressing against the wall, vulnerable to Hale's advances. He doesn't stop until I can feel the heat of his breath against my skin, see every detail of his stunning face.

"Not going to what, Vaela?" He leans imperceptibly closer, reaching his hands out to press his palms against the wall on either side of my head.

I stiffen. Is he going to kiss me? Would I stop him?

"I'm not going to fall for your seductive tricks, Sin," I breathe.

Hale's gaze flickers down to my lips, a devious smile touching his own. "Ouch. You say that like a slur."

Ducking under his arm, I stumble away to the door, cold air rushing over me at the lack of proximity to the pureblood. I can't let him into my head. That's what Sin's do, they take what they want and they do it with ease.

"I should get back to my room," I mutter, rubbing the back of my neck.

Hale doesn't appear regretful, a heat still lingering in his eyes. "Tomorrow I will take you to her."

"Thank you, Hale."

Escaping his room, I close the door behind me, taking a moment to lean against it, calming my rushed breathing. How am I meant to live here, like this, when he can illicit such a response on me?

I'm doomed.


Hale is adjusting his gloves in the foyer when I leave my bedroom.

He glances up. "How are you feeling?"

"Cold. And tired," I admit, pulling my jacket tighter around me. Feeling like this constantly is starting to weigh on me. Once I'm immortal again, I'm going to spend every waking moment somewhere hot and sunny.

"It will be a bit warmer where this Gaze Reader is. She's in Thought's territory," Hale assures me.

Relief shrouds me, but only for a moment. I've been to Thought's Territory a few times before, and each time it's been barely tolerable. He's yet another powerful ruler who can invade one's mind. I silently hope I never come across his path.

I take the hand Hale holds out to me. "Let's hope she has answers."

Gritting my teeth, my stomach plummets as the world dissolves around us. I will never come accustomed to this feeling.

Once my feet touch solid ground, my eyes shoot open.

It's exactly as I remember it, rust coloured sand covering the flat surface of the desert-scape. Turning around, there is no a single glimpse of habitation, dying trees slumped over in scattered places across the arid plains, no water in sight.

The only evidence of life comes from the dilapidated shack, beaten down by vicious sunlight, shingles warped, the fence containing it in shambles, half buried in sand.

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