Chpt. 16

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We stepped into my father's office and we saw him and Ji-woo hugging, it was something I never thought I would see in my lifetime, "boys come in please, have a seat." I take Seokjin's hand and lead him to the chair and sit him on my lap, Yoongi sits on the couch next to Hoseok and then Uncle Jun-ha walked in and smiled when he saw us all here. Susan brought in Everly and she sat in the other chair opposite Jin and I, she had her tablet and was watching something on it.

"I want you all to meet Ji-woo, he was my roommate in college, at the end of our second year together we figured out that we had deep feelings for each other, so we started dating and it was wonderful we were both very happy, when fourth year started I noticed Woo pulling away from me and becoming distant and when I confronted him about it that's when he broke up with me", my father says holding Ji-Woo's hand.

"I didn't want to break your heart Jun", he turned to look at us, "at the beginning of our fourth year my father informed me that I was being entered into an arranged marriage, I fought and fought with him until he pulled his trump card and threatened Junseok, he was going to end his college career and bankrupt his parents, I couldn't have that, so I left him and left school, I wouldn't be able to see him everyday and not want throw myself at him."

"After he left me I met your mother and fell in love with her, which I do not regret, I still thought of Woo all the time and your mother knew I still loved him but she knew that I loved her too, I had you kids because of her and I could never thank her enough for that, I know after she passed I was an asshole, a bastard to all of you but I missed her and I was mad at her for leaving us, leaving me, I was mad because of Woo and I am so sorry to all of you, Everly especially you, I know that it will never be good enough but I am so sorry for the way I talked down to you and that I blamed you for your illness, Jungkook I apologize to you and Seokjin for the way I acted, trying to keep you apart, I was jealous and it made me think of Woo", my dad says sadly.

"My partner died a few years ago, he was sick and I stayed by him until the end, when he passed I had loose ends to tie up in the US where we lived but I knew I wanted to come back and find Jun. I have kids and grand babies of my own, they have all moved back here with me and they know all about Junseok, I came back hoping that he would talk to me and let me explain", he says kissing my dad's hands. My dad actually had tears in his eyes, last time he cried was mom's funeral, "Woo are you saying you want me back." "If you will have me, if you will accept my apology and if you think you can still love me", Woo says teary eyed. They hugged tightly, "of course I still love you, I never stopped."


It turned out to be an exhausting night, I couldn't wait to get home and take a nice long bath, Jungkook stripped me naked after stripping himself and helps me into the tub and then slides in behind me, wrapping his arms around my chest and kissing my shoulders. "Are you happy with me", he asks while running his tongue over my skin. I moan, "very happy." "I know my father loved my mother but the way he looked at Woo, he never looked at my mom that way, I want to make sure that every minute of everyday you know that I love you and only you, I want you to see in my eyes what Woo saw in my fathers", Jungkook says holding me tighter to him.

After we got out and got ready for bed, Jungkook went to check on Everly, his phone dinged and when I glanced at it, it was a text from Gianna saying she will meet him tomorrow, I heard the door open and Jungkook walks in and grabs my foot pulling me to the end of the bed, I laugh telling him to let me go. He lays on top of me and kisses me, "can I have you, can I make you feel good." "Please", is all I can say. After we made love we laid next to each other catching our breath, that's when he noticed he had a text message, I watched him read it and set the phone back down and get up to go into the bathroom.

I grabbed his phone and read his text to her, saying that he needs her and can they meet, my heart dropped, I set the phone down and rolled back to my side of the bed, its Gianna why am I so worried, why am I jealous, I squeezed my eyes shut and he startled me when I felt the wash cloth wiping me off. "I'm sorry babe, I didn't mean to scare you, I wanted to clean you up, then we can cuddle and sleep", he says kissing me all over.

The next morning I made breakfast for all of us, Jungkook came down dressed like he is going somewhere, "you are dressed nice, have a hot date." He laughs, "I have to go into the office for a few hours, thank you for making breakfast love." Everly came down and we ate together then Jungkook left after kissing me and telling me he loves me, my heart hurt and I am not sure why, I texted Minji and asked if she had to go into work to and she said no that she didn't know Jungkook was going in.

I tried to distract myself thru the day, doing things with Everly, watching movies and then I cooked dinner not hearing from Jungkook all day, I texted him once and he didn't answer, to say I was upset was an understatement. A knock on the door pulled me out of my head and was surprised to see Yoongi and Ava standing there, "hi guys, is everything okay."

Yoongi told me to get dressed and that there was a car coming for me, that Jungkook asked them to come sit with Everly, I told them that dinner was in the oven and when the car arrived I left. It was quite a drive but when we stopped I saw the cutest little log cabin, "Sir, I was told to tell you to go ahead inside when we arrived." I got out and it started to snow, it was so beautiful, I walked up to the door and opened it walking in and what I saw made my whole body go numb.

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