Chpt. 3

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I'm sitting in my car outside my fathers house talking to Jin, it's been over two hours. Talking to him is so easy, and god, he makes me laugh, my cheeks hurt from smiling and laughing so much. After we say goodbye, I walk up to the door, and when I enter, I am greeted by Susan, our maid, the woman who helped raise me after my mom got sick. "Oh Jungkook, come give me a hug, what's wrong, you look different", she says pinching my cheek. I glare at her and she laughs, "you and I will talk later, but you got here just in time, your sister has chased off another nurse, and your father is beside himself."

"Where is she", I ask. "In her room, she will be very happy to see you, I'll make dinner and bring it up to you both", she says.  I climb the stairs to my sisters room, when I knock on her door I hear the heavy Scottish accent. "Aye brotha, what brings you round these parts", she drawls. "I hear we lost another nurse today", I say to her. "Ya, the old hag couldn't cut it hanging with someone like me", she says laughing like a drunkard.

I laugh, "Well now I have to find you a new one, will you be okay hanging out with Susan for a couple days while I set up some interviews." "Nay brotha, Ill be barry, if you'll allow me to sit in on the chat, I'd like to have a say, I need to have a Pal that can keep up with me", Everly says. "Sure, I will set up the appointments and have them come here so that we can both talk to them", I hold my hand out to touch her and she shakes her head, "Its okay Ev, I love you." "I love you to Brotha", she says.

 I walk to my fathers office, "Jungkook, why are you here and not with your fiancé." "She had plans with her family tonight and I wanted to come see Everly, I will set up some interviews, I told Ev she could sit it on them and help choose", I say waiting for the argument. "Jungkook do what you need to, so that she has supervision and stays out of my way", he says. I shake my head, "I'm going to bed, good night." I went to my room and did a search for in home nurses who can handle autism with Asperger's, I set up a few interviews for tomorrow, I had to text Min-Ji and ask her to cancel my afternoon meetings..

MJ - Are you okay?

JK - Yea, my sister chased off another nurse, I need to find a replacement.

MJ - Mr. Jeon, my brother is a trained in home nurse and he just lost his last client, so he is free, you should interview him.

JK - Is he really

MJ - Yes, I'll send you his number, you can call him.

I laugh because I have it already, but I don't tell her that..

JK - Thank you again, Min-Ji

All the time we talked I never thought to ask him what he does for a living, I take a shower and throw on some boxers and climb into bed, I send Jin a text asking if he is free to talk. A second later, my phone rings, scaring me. It was Jin, and when I answered, he sounded so happy to hear from me. Again, we spoke for hours until we both fell asleep.


I jumped for joy when Jungkook texted and asked if I could talk, I couldn't help myself and just called him, his voice is so sexy and I couldn't control the excitement in my voice. I hear him chuckle, "Hi again, I was hoping we could talk for a minute." "Of course we can, what's up", I ask sliding into bed. "Your sister tells me that you are a home care nurse", he says. "Yes that's true, why do you ask", I try to control the excitement in my voice. "My sister  is Autistic with Asperger's and she just chased away another nurse, are you trained with people on the spectrum", he asks with hope in his voice.

 I sat up excitedly, "I am Jungkook, I adore working with people on the spectrum, I can get you references, the only reason I am jobless is because my last patient had to go into assisted living", I say. "Seokjin as far as I'm concerned you have the job, but your biggest obstacle is my sister", he says chuckling. "Oh Jungkook you have met me haven't you", I say giggling, "I have no problems getting people to fall in love with me." "You can say that again", he said softly, I heard him but I acted like I didn't. "Excuse me did you say something", I try hard not to laugh. "No Just clearing my throat", he says. 

"Why don't you two come to my apartment for dinner tomorrow night, I love to cook and I never get to cook for anyone", I say crossing my fingers. "My sister isn't very good with change, my father has had her locked up in this house so long", he starts but I cut him off. "Jungkook, please trust me, she will be fine", I say. "I trust you Seokjin and we will come for dinner tomorrow", he says and I can hear the smile on his face. My heart soars, "6 sharp," "See you then Seokjin, sleep well", he says in almost a whisper. "You too Jungkook", I sigh happily and hang up. I then remembered something, grabbing my phone I messaged Jungkook...

Seokjin - Sorry to bother you, please remember to inform your sister that she will be leaving the house and coming here, usually if they have it written on a calendar or a note where they can see it, it makes the change a little better, also what are her Asperger symptoms?

My Man 💗- You are not a bother Seokjin, I will inform her now and make sure she writes it in her daily planner that she keeps, also she has taken on a Scottish persona, its actually quite impressive.

I giggle and scream into my blanket, I'm never a bother he says.

Seokjin - Great then I will see you both tomorrow

My Man 💗- Great, cant wait

I scream again and throw myself back on my pillow, "I cant wait either Mr. Jeon." 

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