Only when you both approached the exit did they runoff.

'She's here...oh no. Soon I'll be taken over again!' You thought now growing worried.

You had to get out of there and away from Ethan so you couldn't hurt him anymore...but how? He wouldn't be letting you go off on your own at this point. Course not he had just gotten you back after watching Lucas grab you.

Quickly leaving there proved to be a bit of a problem but with the combined efforts of you and your husband unloading on any molded that appeared before the two of you it seemed to be much easier considering you for some reason Ethan looked like you knew what you were doing when it came to shooting these monsters.

'How is she so calm around these things? I mean yeah sure three years of being trapped here she could be used to them by now but is there more to this? What else is she not telling me?' Ethan thought.

Obviously, Ethan didn't realize that his wife was a BSAA agent that fought these things on a daily basis but even so he was impressed with how calm you were with reacting to these things compared to his as he kept getting shocked or even afraid at any sight of them all. Much less the forms the Bakers seemed to have taken in each encounter.

Getting the hell out of there and closing the door behind them both of you, it looked like this was a chance to take a quick breather. Leaning upon the wall behind you trying to get your breathing under control Ethan quickly decided to check your wounded shoulder where it was bitten. He hoped so much that it wouldn't get infected and by the time you two got out there and had received help you could get proper medical attention.

"How is-" Ethan asked.
"It's fine, it hurt worse than it looked. Now it's just numb I guess you could say." You replied interrupting him.
"Alright, I'm sorry I don't get more supplies to give you proper medical attention but I promise when we get out of here I'll make sure you get some," Ethan explained.
"I know you will. You are always taking care of me." You replied with a small smile.
"We take care of each other babe." Ethan smiled.

You chuckled a bit and nodded your head, and with that quick warm moment Ethan lead the way out once more but both were interrupted by a call from Zoe herself.

"Did you find it?" Zoe asked.
"Yeah, I got it. Or well we got it. I also found (Y/N). But are we really gonna be able to make a serum with this thing?" Ethan replied.
"It'll be fine. After we make it, we can get out of here together. I'll be waiting for you both at the trailer" Zoe tells him.

After that she hung up, well now it was off to the trailer hopefully Zoe would be there cause you had a funny feeling that your escape would anger Lucas and get to you (considering you were now somewhat close with Zoe) he'd try to get to you with using his sister as he had tried a few times when you and Zoe previously in the past tried your hardest to get out of there yourselves.

Heading back to the trailer proved to be much easier since there wasn't anyone around, not even the molded but as soon as you and Ethan arrived Zoe wasn't anywhere to be found. Your gut feeling must've been correct that Zoe was in the hands of Lucas now cause not long after the phone within the trailer rang. was Lucas himself.

"Hey, buddy! I thought you should know. I decided that Zoe needed a time-out. She is here with me, and soon that little bitch of a wife of yours will be too. And they'll keep each other company soon enough." Lucas told him over the phone.
"Just let her go! What do you need them for?! And don't you even dare lay another finger on my wife!" Ethan shouted not liking how this guy spoke about you.
"That's family business, Ethan, and not your concern, understand? Now, if you want the head, feel free to come on by anytime. I'll give it to ya! But only if you participate in a little...activity I've put together just for you two~." Lucas explained.
"What activity?" Ethan asked.
"Oh, I know your excited, but don't worry. It's not going anywhere. The first step I need you to take, partner, is for you to take a peek inside the fridge inside the trailer there." Lucas says.
"Fuck You!" Ethan replied annoyed.
"Oh, come on now, don't be like that. You wanna have some fun, don't ya? Now, look in the fridge!" Lucas says getting more demanding at the end before hanging up the phone.

Ashes - Resident Evil 7 [Ethan Winters x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now