Harry: Hahaha. Ashton called. Have to go help him get Michael and Calum home. They're drunk and Luke isn't there to help.

Niall: Idiots.

Harry: Not going to argue that.

Ophelia: Be safe.

Harry: Always.

Harry liked drinking but he had never been as drunk as Michael and Calum were. They were in Ashton's car in the corner lot of a park and they were all over the place.

"I was going to try and drive them both home but it just became too much." Ashton sighed.

The two watched as they seemed to be singing with each other in the back seat. Even with the windows up their voices could be heard. Whatever they were singing didn't make any sense.

"It's okay. I'm happy to help. Michael lives closer to me so I'll take him."

Ashton nodded, "Thanks, Harry. I'm sorry about pulling you out."

"It's alright, I promise. I don't have any plans until later so it got me out of the house for a bit. I guess now we have to fight to get them apart."

The two laughed just knowing Michael and Calum would try and fight being separated.

Zayn: Guess what?

Louis: What?

Zayn: I just saw Harry.

Louis: Where?

Zayn: Park lol. He was with three other guys. Two were falling all over the place.

Louis: Oh??

Liam: Zayn, have you ever heard of keeping your mouth shut?

Louis: It's fine hahaha. Harry has friends other than Niall I'm sure.

Zayn: I agree with Louis.

Liam: So why did you say it?

Zayn: I'm bored.

Liam: Put your fucking phone down you jackass.

Zayn: Fine. See you all soon.

Louis wasn't going to be there. He had to take a shower, head for his appointment and then afterwards he was meeting Harry for dinner. He was nervous about everything but he was going to keep a level head. He knew he was stupid for sending the text he did but he couldn't take it back now. He just had to face whatever was going to happen now.

He stared down at the paper that held his results with a smile on his face. Everything was okay. Everything was perfectly okay. Of course he figured it would be seeing as he had always used condoms in the past but seeing the confirmation really helped him. He could only hope that whatever conversation he had with Harry tonight was a good one because he really didn't plan on letting Harry go.

Louis: Harry, what are you doing?

Harry: I just dropped my drunk friend off at home.

Louis: Drunk friend?

Harry: Yes. My friend Ashton called and needed help because two of our friends were causing problems for him while he was driving so I helped him out.

Louis: Zayn said he saw you at the park.

Harry: Yes haha. Had to pick Michael up but now I'm going home to take a shower. So I figure I'll see you soon?

Virgin. // Larry Stylinson.Where stories live. Discover now