"Wait!" Mia yells quietly to me and stops me, grabbing my arm. "Is that Mary and Kai?" She questions and my head snaps to where Mia's pointing. They're indeed Kai with our classmate, Mary, kissing.

"What the hell?" I breathe out quietly and start walking to them.

"Hey, no! Stop!" Mia tries to stop me, but I snatch my arm away from her grip.

"The fuck is happening here?!" I yell, getting closer to the two of them. "Stop kissing my boyfriend!" I shout, pushing Kai from the girl, scowling at them.

"Your boyfriend?" Mary laughs out humorlessly.

"Yes, you bitch!" I yell at her before I turn to Kai and push him by his chest. "Are you serious?! You said I can't go with you, but you took her instead?!"

"Calm the fucking down, Isa! We were just kissing, it's not a big deal" Kai exclaims annoyed.

"Not a big deal?" I scoff in disbelief. "I think, kissing someone else, while being in the relationship, is a fucking big deal!" I shout, my eyes starting to get teary.

"You exaggerate things! I'm sick of this!" He yells back and I raise my eyebrows unimpressed.

"You're sick of this?" I chuckle emotionlessly, shaking my head, feeling hurt as fuck. "I'm sick of how you're treating me! I'm so fucking done with you! We're done!" I scream at the top of my lungs, fighting with my tears because I'm not going to cry in front of that dick.

"Finally! I thought you never get the hint!"

"Wow... Go fuck this whore and never talk to me again. I hope you'll rot in hell" I hiss out and slap his face. His head snaps to the side and Mary gasps, walking over to him worriedly, while Mia chuckles behind me. He rubs his face speechless as Mia grabs my hand quickly and begins to lead me away, but she turns back one more time.

"You won't have a life when the school starts, I can promise you this, Mary" Mia threatens seriously and I know she means it. Maybe I don't have too many friends, but Mia does. She's the popular one in school and most people are afraid of her. I'd be too if I wouldn't be her best friend for years, she's scary when she's mad.

"It's not worth it, just let's go" I mumble quietly to her, trying to pull her away. She shoots them a death glare before she walks away with me, holding my hand tightly.

"He's a dick and never deserved you. You're gonna be okay, babe" She whispers after we're far away. She stops in the alley and pulls me into a comforting hug, letting me cry on her shoulder.

A few days later, I found out that he was cheating on me for almost a month.

Let's just say, my summer wasn't so happy after all.

September 2, 2019 London

"I can't believe you never tried this" I speak up to Florence, who's standing next to me with my skateboard.

"You're not the only one. This look so cool" Flo breathes out, looking at Mia and Sam on their own skateboards, doing some tricks.

"It does, right? But don't worry, I'll teach you, babe" I flirt, winking at her and putting my skateboard on the ground. "C'mon, both foots on the board and at the beginning, I'll push you a little" I tell her and she nods, standing up on it.

"If I fall, I'll kick your arse" She threatens playfully.

"Arse" I chuckle mockingly and she rolls her eyes at me, grabbing on my shoulders. "Okay, Miss British, I don't wanna see your Black Widow moves on me" I joke amusedly.

"Stop mocking!" She pouts in fake annoyance and I giggle.

"Okay, sorry" I murmur and kiss her cheek in apology. "Now, relax and enjoy your ride, Flossie"

"Yeah, okay" She nods her head and shakes her arms in a funny way, getting into the correct position. "I'm relaxed" She says seriously and I giggle again how focused she looks.

I start to pushing her and she raids slowly forward. She yelps when she almost loses her balance and falls, but I wrap my arms around her waist and keep her standing.

"Relax, I got you" I whisper in her ear assuringly and she nods, relaxing in my arms. "Okay, now, I need you to push yourself with one leg"

"Which one?"

"Left. You push a bit and puts your feet back on the board, standing like you're standing now" I inform her and she nods as tries to do it once. "No, no, like this. Let me show you, okay?" I ask gently when she does it wrong.

"Yeah" She agrees and gets off on the ground.

I stand on the skateboard with one foot straight and push myself with the left one. Then, when I start moving, I put my foot back on the board, turning it to the left and doing the same with my other foot, making my body to turn fully to the side.

"See? It's not hard, after you get this, the rest is easy. I'll be can teach you some cool tricks" I speak softly, smiling sweetly, so she wouldn't feel nervous.

I know I'd feel anxious with someone trying to correct me like this, that's why I'm trying to be super nice about the whole thing. I step back from the skateboard and Flo stands again on it, with even more focus than before. I didn't know it's even possible.

"I got this" Flo whispers confidently and I smile at her proudly. She really wants to learn.

"I know you do" I reply sweetly and she pecks my cheek before she pushes herself. I grin brightly when she starts moving and stands correctly. "Hell yeah!" I exclaim proudly, watching how she rides a moment without any stops or problems. Because of my loudness, I gain Mia and Sam's attention back on us.

"Let's go, Flo!" Mia shouts too, hyping her up.

"Good job!" Sam says loudly, sitting on his skateboard to watch her, Mia next to him. "Try to put your left foot on the edge and try to jump" He suggests and Flo looks unsure at me.

"You can do it, Flo" I encourage her and give her an eager nod. She starts riding again and takes a deep breath before she does what Sam said, making the skateboard to lift above the air for a brief second.

"Fuck yeah!" Flo squeals when she jumps and doesn't fall from the skateboard at the landing.

"Good job!" I shout proudly and run to Flo, pulling her into a tight hug and raising her a little above the ground.

She shrieks at my action and laughs adorably before she kisses me sweetly.

The rest of the night we spent on talking and more skateboarding. We just had a good time, one, last time before Mia flies back to home tomorrow.

Love On Set - Florence PughWhere stories live. Discover now