Chapter 18: You don't know

Start from the beginning

We were walking until we passed by a Dust shop that had been robbed, the Lien was left again. The policeman there where joking around about the fact that stolen Dust will be used by the White Fang.

Weiss: Hm, The White Fang.What an awful bunch of degenerate!

Blake: What's your problem?

Weiss: My problem? I simply don't care about the criminally insane.

Blake: The White Fang is hardly a bunch of psychopaths. They're a collection of misguided Faunus.

Weiss: Misguided? They want to wipe off humanity of the face of the planet.

Blake: That just me that they are very misguided. Either way, it doesn't explain why they were robbing a Dust shop in the middle of downtown Vale.

Weiss: That still doesn't change the fact that the White Fang are a bunch of scum. Those Faunus only know how to lie, cheat, steal and kill.

Blake's expression started to turn angry and annoyed at Weiss's attitude towards the Faunus race.

Yang: That's not necessarily true.

Random person: Hey! Stop that Faunus!

Suddenly, a male Faunus who looks like it has a tail is running away from a boat. He had blond hair. We rushes to see what was happening. After some time we meet Penny who may seem abit weird but she is a nice girl. But Weiss and Blake haven't stop arguing, they argue the whole why back to our room.

Blake POV

Weiss: I don't understand why this is causing such a big problem.

Blake: That IS the problem!

Weiss: You realize that you're defending an organization that hates humanity, don't you? The Faunus of the White Fang are pure evil!

Blake: There is no such thing as pure evil!

Weiss: Yes there are! They've been at war with my family for years. War. As in actual bloodshed. My grandfather's company has had a target painted across it's back for as long as I can remember. Ever since I was a child, I watched family friends disappear. They murder Isis family for no reason!

Hearing the last part make my's expression change to sadness, guilt and regret, I look down on the ground not knowing what to say.

Weiss: I'm sure Isis, despise them just as must as me or even more.


After I've agree to help Isis on his investigation, I still don't know how to feel about this situation, I once help an group that kill his parents and after he find out he's so calm about it.

Blake: Isis... I know that you won't ever forgive-

Isis: I forgive you.

Blake: But let me- wait. You forgive me? I-I thought that you despise the White Fang?

Isis: Actually I don't. I could see where your kind are coming from, our kind might be different in appearance but in the end of the day we are just the same.

I look at him, trying to hold back my tear, he have all the reason to hate me even hit me. But he didn't, he even said that the human and faunus are just the same.

Isis: What's important is how you act, what they are doing is dumb.

Blake: Huh.

Isis: What they are doing is making the faunus kind and the human kind become enemy. They fight each other because of hatred, then those hatred just breeds more hatred. It's just an endless the cycle of hatred, so I have decided that I would forgive the White Fang if they are willing to change, otherwise the cycle of hatred will be an end to one of our kind.

Flashback end

Blake: You don't know him.

Weiss: What?

Blake: I said you don't know HIM!

Weiss: I been his friends since he was 8.

Blake: You never treated him as you friend! You only see him as a tool!

Weiss: I-I...

Weiss step back she don't know what to say

Blake: You never see him as a friend. He love you with all his heart and you just push him aways. And when he move on you want him back.

Weiss: Then what did you know about this, you have nothing to do with him! This got nothing to do with him! The White Fang murder his family and they are doing is just pathetic excuse to cover their equity!

Blake: You are wrong! We where trick to come there!

The room when silent as I realize what I just said, I cover my mouth and ran out.

Yang: Blake wait!

I could heard Yang voice calling out for me, but I didn't stop running.

I need to talk to him

I remember "Isis: If you never need any comfort or someone to talk to, I will be happy to help."

After sometimes I call Isis and we agree to meet ontop of Beacon tower.

I made it to the top of Beacon tower, Isis was already there his long hair and long black scarf flow with the wind under the moons light.

He then turn back his bright blue eye is like sparkle even though he have bandage cover his right eye, he smile looking at me.

For some reason time felt like it slow down, his smile make me feel at ease.

Why am I feeling this?

Isis: Hello Blake.

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