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Setting: Dorms

It was the beginning of March and that ment Iida was going to feel like shit this month thoughout April.  Kami went to Iida's dorm with some items in a bag, he knew Iida was probably still asleep but he had a spare key. Iida locked his dorm door most of the time for privacy and only let people in at certain times. Kami unlocked the door then opened it to see Iida rubbing his nose with tissues, "I thought you'd be asleep baby. How are you feeling?" Iida got up and hugged Kami after Kami shut the door and locked it. "Not good huh? Well I brought you some stuff. There in the bag" Kami handed Iida the bag, but Iida just put the bag on his bed and hugged Kami again. "Oh! You want cuddles!" Kami said as Iida nodded. Kami picked up Iida and placed him on the bed and he got next to Iida. Kami snuggled up to Iida and Iida did the same. Iida was rubbing his nose but wasn't that good at hiding it because Kami glanced down to see Iida rubbing his red nose that was a bit runny. Iida sniffled and sighed, he took out a tissue and blew his nose, he put the tissue in his pocket and zipped up his jacket. He was shivering. Kami lifted Iida's head to see a red and teary face, "Tenya. Baby you alright?" Kami asked in full concern to Iida as the blue haired boy just shook his head 'no', "I'm sorry that you feel like this. You look like you need to sneeze." Iida sniffled which caused him to look away and to stifle a sneeze onto his arm. "Excuse me" Iida rubbed his nose which made his nose run even more. He needed to sneeze again, but he kept trying to hold then back. "Omg. Baby stop, you're not gonna feel better doing that. Here" kami took a tissue and out it up to Iidad nose, "Blow." Iida did as Kami said but ended up sneezing five times into the tissue then pulling away to sniffle. "Bless you!" Kami said but could see Iida was about to sneeze again so he put 2 tissues in front of Iida's nose and mouth. "Go ahead." Iida had a eight minute sneezing fit and when he was done the tissues Kami were holding were soaked. "M sorry, I didn't mean to do th-th-tha-'Achoo!, achoo!, hetchoo!, hachoo!, choo!, ha...ah..he..ha..ah..ahcoo!'-ugh. Sorry. I can't seem to sto-sto-sto-'choo!,chu!hetchusw!,hachu!,chu!,choo!...ha..ah..he...ahchooo!'-Can I please have a tissue Kami?...." Iida sniffled and sneeze again. Kami handed Iida a few tissues then looked away slightly to give Iida privacy. "Bless you a thousand times" Kami said while smiling, "Thank you.....I'm terribly sorry about me sneezing so much. I didn't think my allergies would be this bad..." Iida threw away the tissue and grabbed the hand sanitizer, he put some on his hands and rubbing them together. The out the bottle back on his bedside table, Kami hugged Iida and kissed his forehead. "Go back to sleep Baby. We can hang out later. Okay?" Iida nodded then fell asleep, Kami left Iida's dorm and put a note that said, 'I'll see you around 7 p.m...love Kami' on Iida's desk.

A/n: Hopefully y'all enjoyed this! The next chapter will be a Kacchako (Is this even how you spell it?) Anyway thx so much for the love and support. ♥

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