Year 2 Prologue 2

Start from the beginning

That is all I want, to be given another chance to serve my country in some way, to not be the useless burden I currently am.

I have been training and practicing ever since I could stand again, I no doubt am much weaker physically then I was before, but I think my knowledge and skillset as evolved tremendously since I was injured.

When humans are stopped completely in one place they will eventually find another way around their roadblock. If I cannot fight with strength or stamina I can still use my brain and tools around me.

Perhaps I am simply coping with my harsh reality with these heavily biased thoughts, but I can still hope to do something in the field again.

When lunch finally arrived I went to the cafeteria and ordered my usual chicken sandwich with vegetable soup, after eating I went back to my office to find someone I was not expecting.

She had short blonde hair and golden eyes, wore a black office suit, and had a flat facial expression.

When I saw her I couldn't help my feel my heart rate starting to rise, even if I am by rank higher than her I know what her arrival will bring.

As we entered my office, which was frankly too big for my rank and job, we each took a seat and I make us some traditional black tea.

Knowing this woman I would guess she would rather just want to get down to business instead of getting tea, but she, like I, would not let such unruly opinions be said.

As we sat down and had a sip of tea I spoke in my usual elegant tone.

"Hello Sheffield, what can I do for you today."

"Hello Lady Hood, Chief has a mission for you, first I need to know if you want to go into the field again."

It is as I expected, I almost couldn't contain myself, before I started freaking out I gave a small smile and responded.

"I will do anything in the service of Queen and Country, I would like to accept this mission. So what will I be doing."

With her same expression she responded.

"You will be going to Japan to be a school teacher in a government run high school, I have already sent you your cover but in summary you have been an English teacher at the London Royal Academy for years and are being sent as part of an international exchange program."

I am being sent to Japan to be a school teacher? I have to say it is definitely underwhelming, I would have hoped to be sent somewhere like Russia or China, where the big action is. I guess this is just a reflection of the trust the people in charge have in me, of course they wouldn't trust a cripple failure with an important mission.

None the less this is something, if I can do this without trouble I can in some way redeem myself which will lead to more chances to turn around my terrible start.

Inside I was staring to fill with joy for the first time since I was promoted to active duty many years ago. Unknowingly letting out my first genuine smile in some time I responded.

"I see, so what is my objective at this high school."

"The high school you are going to is very special, it is in the information sent to you, but it is essentially a school where the different classes fight against each other. You will be sent there to monitor and find information about multiple students, the reason is unknown but there are three students, two incoming first years and one second year, that are extremely valuable to an unknown and extremely powerful group. We also know the currently acting chairman of the school is working with this group after falsifying evidence to temporarily get the last chairman suspended."

I thought this mission sounded boring but it is getting interesting, this is definitely a chance to prove myself and regain my honor.

"Ok, so when will I be leaving?"

"You will be leaving in three days to start the one-month training for new teachers before school starts, you will be a homeroom teacher for the first-year class A as well as teach English. In class A there are two students that you should keep on eye on, one is Elena Smith, daughter of York Smith the American Chief International Liaison in Japan, and the other is a girl named Ichika Amasawa. Her record and everything checks out perfectly, but when doing a background check we found her supposed parents place of work is headed here in the UK, and although they are on the Japanese database as employees we have no record of being hired according to the headquarters. It is possible she is one of the people you will have to watch."

Someone with a powerful American parent as well as a 15-year-old with such an extensive fake identity? This will no doubt be more of the cloak and dagger espionage I imagined as a young girl compared to my first mission.

After a little more talking Sheffield left and I was in the best mood I have been in a long time.

As I poured myself another cup of tea I couldn't help but let a deep smile adorn my face, I will not let this chance go.

The End

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