Yoongi Hyung.

He doesn't Knows any Yoongi in his Actual Life. But he's living his Another life so he picked the call after clearing his Voice.



Jungkook Was Taken a Back. He Run his Mind then it Hit him.

"Yeah Yeah Hello, Yoongi Hyung"

"Hm, Better. Where Are You?"


"You haven't even Leave your place yet? When are you gonna arrive then?"

"Ah...I don't know..."

"Gosh- Are You still sleepy? Man Go grab your car keys and Rush to here at the Golden music!"

Ahh... that's the place.

"Alright ...Hyung"

He cut the call and Grabbed his Car keys. He looked back and saw Bam Looking up at him while sitting like a Good Boy After Making a mess on the ground. He Took his Tongue out Happily. Jungkook Laughed a Little and Squat down towards him and said while Patting his Head.

"I'll be back soon. I hope you won't make this place more messy"

Bam Barked at him like a Soldier and Jungkook Smiled at him Before Leaving the apartment.


As He Enters the Place he saw Many People There, seems like Students Cause they were Sitting In front of their Instruments. Ah...Piano.

He saw a Man who walks towards him, Tall But Not Taller then Jungkook But Perfect Height for him with his Lean Body with Pale Skin, His... walking style shows How Bored he is right now lol.

"Yah, where the hell were you? Everyone is here" he asked to Jungkook. Jungkook look at him but don't know who he is then he Noticed the I'd Card he had around his neck.

Min Yoongi.
Age ; 28
Born on ; 9th March 1993

"Ah..Sorry Yoongi Hyung. I woke up Late" Jungkook somehow Catch up with his Questions, Yoongi Just made a Face scrunching His nose and asked "The hell were you doing Last night alone with yourself in your house??" Jungkook Was Confused again.

"Ah...Same Thing I always do...?"

"I knew it! Can You Like Stop for once a Day?"

"Stop what?"


"What!? I didn't meant that-!"

Jungkook's Face slowly started to Take a shade of red, He felt his heart Beating Fast In Embarrassment. Then he heard Yn's Voice behind His head laughing.

"Bro! I didn't Expected This! You're definitely Having fun in this life alone by yourself"

She Continued Laughing Jungkook Pout but said a "Shut Up" in His Mind as he slowly stopped hearing her Voice.

"I Slept Late Cause...I was Watching a Series! Yes! Why the hell would I...do that." He again Covered himself Yoongi Just Gave him a Gummy...Cat Type smirk but Laughed It off. He Put his Hand Around Jungkook's Shoulder and Took him Behind the Piano...Which was in front of everyone. The Big One.

Why is he taking me to this Particular Piano.

"Alright Students. Teacher Jeon Jungkook is here finally. My Student But y'all's teacher. Give him a Clap!" Yoongi announced Making Jungkook's Jaw drop.

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