240. Emperor On Battlefield

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Mo Yanzhi’s face turned cold. He grabbed Egg over and spanked him very hard.

The little guy was in pain and immediately started crying.

Mo Yanzhi said coldly, “Shut up!”

The child was so frightened that he immediately stopped crying. His eyes were full of tears, looking very wronged.

Mo Yanzhi said coldly. “No one can hurt him, including you.”

The little guy trembled with fright. Mo Yanzhi stared at the little guy and said, “Guard.”

Soon enough, Shadow One entered.

“Bring him away and take him to bed.”

“Yes!” Shadow One took the child over and walked out.

When they walked out, the little guy started to cry again. Shadow One sighed and gently patted the child. The child was comforted and finally stopped crying.

Shadow One handed the little guy over to the nanny and returned.

“Your Highness, Han barged into the palace.”

Mo Yanzhi looked at Han Tingxuan. After a long time, he finally said, “Bring him to the side hall.”

Shadow One accepted the order and left.

Han was brought over by the secret guard. “Brother Yanzhi,” Han did not kneel down nor salute.

Mo Yanzhi paused for a moment, and finally looked at Han, “What are you here for?”

“I want to see Big Brother.” Han said.

Mo Yanzhi glanced at him. “Follow me.”

He brought Han to the dormitory. Han saw Han Tingxuan on the bed. He felt Han Tingxuan’s pulse for a while and fell silent after a diagnosis.

There was no poison in Han Tingxuan’s body. So his blood could only be toxic for Han Tingxuan.

He put down Han Tingxuan’s hand and said, “We have removed the entire Flowing Sword Sect. The Northern Cloud Sect is no longer existed. When we ransacked their buildings, we found a bottle of medicinal pills which might be useful.”

Then he took out a bottle of elixirs.

Mo Yanzhi looked at him and said lightly, “No need.”

Han opened his mouth and insisted, “Try it. What if it works?”

Mo Yanzhi sneered. “He has taken many rare and precious elixirs in the palace for these days.”

Han couldn’t give up. “Maybe it can work?”

Mo Yanzhi said flatly, “Then leave it here. I’ll ask the imperial doctor to check it. If it is not poisonous, I will feed him.”

“Ok.” Han sighed with relief. Then he said, “I’ll go with you tomorrow.”

Mo Yanzhi said lightly, “No need. You just stay here with the Seventh Uncle.”


“No need,” said Mo Yanzhi coldly.

Han said. “I see… he will be fine. He will!”

Mo Yanzhi looked slightly warmer. “Mmm, you can go now.”

Han finally did not say anything else and left.

Mo Yanzhi went to bed and hugged Han Tingxuan in his sleep. He felt asleep while he felt the warmth from Han Tingxuan.

On the second day, the three hundred thousand soldiers set off. Although the noble emperor was there, they still marched quickly.

Han Tingxuan was placed in the emperor’s luxurious carriage early on.

However, to avoid the ‘sniper gun’ or some long-distance bomb attacks, there were seven luxury carriages.

Mo Yanzhi and Han Tingxuan were in one of them.

The seven carriages were driven by secret guards. If there was a ‘long-distance bomb’, they could react and get rid of the bombs in time.

Therefore, all seven of them were experts with strong internal skills among the secret guards.

The person responsible for the carriage that Mo Yanzhi and Han Tingxuan were taking was Shadow Three.

Although the emperor was in the army, the general in charge was Nangong Jue’s younger brother, Nangong Xiao.

Nangong Xiao was thirty-three years old but he was mature and steady. He had learned military strategy from the former General Nangong.

Everything in the army was all handled by Nangong Xiao. Mo Yanzhi did not get off the carriage along the way.

There were people inside the seven carriages and they were all secret guards.

Among the three hundred thousand soldiers, there were several more familiar people.

Yang Shuo and Yue Youbai were also among them, and Yang Shuo was a captain leading a hundred soldiers.

Obviously, Yang Shuo chose to join the military in addition to his new title of Duke and Royal Merchant. For the sake of Yue Youbai, he strived to climb up as highly as possible.

Yue Youbai was supportive of his ambition.

On the day that Han Tingxuan was in a coma for a month and a half, the three hundred thousand army reached the border.

After the emperor settled down, Han Tingxuan was also accommodated into the emperor’s camp.

There were seven camps exclusive to the emperor.

No one else would know where the emperor would sleep over every day except for the close secret guards. It was necessary for the sake of the emperor.

There were always ten secret guards protecting Han Tingxuan at any time, five on a shift of 12 hours.

The emperor could not only stay in the camp. It was necessary for him to show himself in front of the generals.

As Mo Yanzhi did not know much about art of war, he did not interrupt their discussion.

General Nangong Senior and General Zheng Senior were in charge of the army at the border. Although they were already in their sixties, the two of them had been in the army for decades, and they were the key to defeat the Jin Dynasty.

Although the Yue Empire was allied with the Heavenly Empire, their troops were not camped at the same place.

They would corner the Jin Dynasty from left and right and they must destroy the Jin Dynasty!

After the general’s meeting, Mo Yanzhi quietly came to one of the emperor’s tents under the coverup of the secret guards.

Han Tingxuan was still unconscious. Thankfully, it was not winter. The border was colder than the City of Capital but it wasn’t cold to sleep at night.

“Has he had dinner yet?” Mo Yanzhi asked Shadow One.

Shadow One immediately said, “I’ve fed him.”

Mo Yanzhi nodded. “Get some warm water. I will wipe clean his body.”


[BL] Mʏ Tᴏᴜɢʜ Hᴜsʙᴀɴᴅ2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora