Conner: "Game Geek TV. I wonder if it'll become part of basic cable."

We started talking some more while Michael was still recovering from the punch i did to him until we heard the doors open snd i turned to see the girl from Ocean Alert.

Kira: "Hey, isn't that the girl from Ocean Alert?"

Michael: "The what?"

Ethan: "The most popular television show of all time? Does anyone have a brown paper bag, i'm hyperventilating."

Michael: "No, but i can make one if you want."

I smacked the back of his head then we got Ethan a brown paper bag for him and we saw the entire cafe admiring her beauty, even Ethan, Conner and Trent, But surprisingly Michael didn't seemed fazed at all then he said.

Michael: "Well this looks like my cue to go get more drinks for me while those fanboys have some fun time with the celebrity i guess."

He left to get himself a drink while Hayley came in front of her and said.

Hayley: "Welcome to Hayley's Cyberspace. What can i get you?"

Nikki: "I'm just dying for a wheat grass shake with a twist of lemon."

Hayley: "Sorry, but we just ran out of wheat grass. How about a banana berry smoothie instead?"

Nikki: "Did i ask for a smoothie? I'm fairly certain i asked for a wheat grass shake."

Hayley: "And as i said, we."

Nikki: "All right. I'll give you a hundred dollars for it."

Hayley: "I'm sorry. You can't buy what i don't have."

Nikki: "Listen, i don't know if you noticed this, but I'm Nikki Valentina. There is nothing i can't buy."

Michael: "Except a new dress like wow, do you ever change your style or what!"

Michael suddenly showed up next to Hayley with his blueberry smoothie and i said to myself.

'Michael, what the heck are you doing?'

I noticed that Nikki wasn't fazed by him and instead seemed interested in him.

Nikki: "And who are you supposed to be, handsome?"

Michael: "Oh, i'm a nobody."

Nikki: "Clearly you must be someone. At least give me your name?"

She went to touch him in the chest, but he smacked her hand before she did and said.

Michael: "Look her Ms. Valentine or Nike or whatever your name is. First of all i'm not your age and second of all i must admit you are breathtaking, but you're just not my type, so stay away from me and answer the lady's question. Do you want that smoothie or just cause unnecessary commotion."

I saw Nikki had an annoyed face on her then she said.

Nikki: "Never mind. I'm over this place."

She was about to leave the Cafe until Cassidy came in front of her with her microphone and asked her.

Cassidy: "Miss Valentina. Cassidy Cornell, Reefside reporter. I'm a huge fan."

Nikki: "Of course you are."

Cassidy: "Somebody I'm going to be a big stat, too, except I'm going to be a news anchor, but like maybe we could work together. I know. I could be in Ocean Alert."

Nikki: "Honey, you better get yourself a new dream. Cause being me. Well that's mine and I'm not sharing. Let's go."

She left with her two of her staff members and one of them gave Cassidy a poster of Nikki then Michael was approaching us and Conner said to him.

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