I heard glass breaking and saw that i pushed Trent.

Trent: "Sorry, I got a little distracted and by the way it's a game, it can't hear you."

I sat back down and continued my game until i heard someone ask me.

Hayley: "Everokay, Ethan?"

I ignored her while i kept my focus on the game.

Hayley: "Ethan."

I felt someone touch my back which scared me, but i regained focus and continued playing.

Hayley: "Wizard wood"

Ethan: "The first gamer to conquer the entire magical world and crack the secret code wins the right to test the next game in the series."

I turned to look at her and said.

Ethan: "How crazy is that?"

Hayley: "Yeah, i read about it. well if anyone can do it."

Ethan: "I'm on the last level, but i just can't get the code out of Beldorf, The Wizard of Galdor, the dude's a serious punk."

Hayley: "I get the point. Just keep at it, i guess."

Then i heard her eave while i continued playing until Suddnly i felt someone slap the back of my head and i can guess who it was.

Michael: "You done Midget?"

Ethan: "What do you want dude! Can't you see that i'm real busy right now."

Michael: "I see. It's the old man, he wants the both of us and i was assigned to pick you up you sorry excuse of a human being."

Ethan: "Well, can't you tell Dr. O that i'm busy."

Michael: "Fine by me."

Ethan: "Wait what. Did you actually agree me?"

Michael: "You don't wanna show up, fine by me."

Ethan: "Are you plotting something."

Michael: "Yes."

Ethan: "Yes as you or yes as you are not."

Michael: "Yes as in yes, See ya later Nerd."

Then he finally left me alone and now i can try and get this code from the Wizard.

Kira's point of view:

Conner, Dr. O and i were in the forest getting ready to practice, but Dr. O asked us.

Dr. Oliver: "Alright, where's Ethan and Michael?"

Conner: "Kira, are you even sure that he's even gonna show up."

Kira: "Three, two, one."

Then we heard a car arrive and we turned around to see that it was Michael's car and he parked and was getting out of the driver seat and yelled.

Michael: "Don't you ever call me Michelangelo!"

Kira: "See Conner, if you want Michael Cruger to show up, you just need to provoke him just enough for him to feel challenged."

Dr. Oliver: "Michael, please tell me you got Ethan."

Micheal: "Sorry Gramps, Midget is too busy making history."

Conner: "Look, what's the big deal, anyway? I mean, it's just practice."

Dr. Oliver: "Training is just as important as the real deal. You never know when you might be attacked"

Then suddenly someone kicked Dr. O towards us while Conner and i grabbed him and we saw the horde of enemies.

Dr. Oliver: "Well, i couldn't have planned that better."

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