20 - [Layla]

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"Huh..Where is this place..?" Claire wakes up and find herself in a room.

"Whose room is this?! Mine wasn't like this... It's too ugly!" Claire look at the wall.

"Where on Earth am I right now..?!" Claire shout.

"Your boyfriend house,how dare you said my room is ugly. " A voice coming from the door.

"Huh?! Since when I have a boyfriend-"

"In front of you." Riki said while he standing lean against the door.

"How come I ended up being here?" Claire touch her head.

"You passed out last night."

"I did? So... You saved me?" Claire just asks as she just want to confirm.

"Y.. Yes.. " Riki grinned.

"Mhm.. Do you have some clothes that I can wear? This dress is so troublesome." Claire said.

"I don't have girl's clothes.." Riki said.

"I don't want to wear girl's clothes! Just give me your damn clothes." Claire said.

"It's in my room-"

"I'll look at it by myself." Claire go to the other room.

"Claire.. This is my house-"

"Huh?" Claire confused as she entered the room but the room just fills with old woman's clothes.

"That's my mom room though." Riki dragged Claire out of the room.

"Wait, I thought you live alone-"

"I live with my older sister. My mom just put her stuffs in the room. She's not living here." Riki said.

Claire just nodded as she understand.

"My room is that room." Riki pointed to a room.

Claire enter the room and pick a black hoodie and a black short pants.

"Would it be safe if you wear like this?" Riki concerned.

"Come on, I'm not a child anymore." Claire get out from the room.

"By the way, thanks. I should go now." Claire is about to go through the door but Riki stand in front of her.

"But.. Where would you go?" Riki said.

Claire is more confused than before after he said that. What does he mean by that? Of course Claire would be go back to her house but after last night incident,she won't go there. Could it be..

"You actually know these from the beginning, aren't you?" Claire make a poker face.

Riki just laugh.

"I'll leave the answer how do you think about it."

"Move." Claire glare at Riki.

"I know I can't force you to stay, but at least eat some breakfast?" Riki said.

Claire just ignore him and she went to pick a bread that Riki put on the table.

"Thanks for the food though." Claire leave the house.

Riki doesn't said anything and just give a lil smirk.

"I won't go to that home again, let him taste how it feels like to know that his daughter go missing."

"This hoodie smells good.. "

"Maybe that brat put some poison scent, I shouldn't smells it for a long time."

Claire walking near the place that she went with Jake last time.

She look at the pet shop and she reminded of Jake.

"Jake... Huh."

"He's happy with Yeonseo now. Why bother?"

Claire walks to a park.

"Let me rest for a while." She sat on a bench at the park.

Suddenly, her face exposed to the sunlight.

Claire just smile.

"This is so good.."

And then she fall asleep for about 10 minutes with the sunlight exposed on her skin.

Suddenly, she feels something sit on her lap.

She open her eyes and see a dog in gold-blonde colour.

"Huh..? Where is your owner? Are you lost?" Claire speak to the dog but the dog just lick her face.

"Did you just lick my face..." Claire expressions can't be explain that time.

"Layla!! Layla!!" A voice of a boy shouting finding for something.

"Layla..? Why do I feel like I've heard someone said before?" Claire mumble to herself.

The dog just look at Claire.

Then, Claire just play with the dog.

"Layla! There you are!" A boy come approached me and the dog.

"Ahh..You must be-" Claire look at the boy.

"Jake..?!" Claire shocked.

"Oh, I didn't know that it was your dog. I'm, I'm sorry." Claire said while taking the dog to Jake.

"It's okay. She get lost for a while because I didn't bring her walk out for a while, unexpected she met you." Jake said.

"Yeah.. By the way-"

"I'm leaving first." Jake said leave her before Claire could finish her word.

"What is wrong..?"

"Did I made a mistake..?"

"Jake, why are you so cold..?"

"Ugh, still, his dog is cute."

"Can't you just be honest than acting like you're hurt?!"

"I'm trying to open my heart for you.. But now you're turning me down."

And then after having many thoughts, suddenly she realized something about last night.

"I think I have smell that scent last night"

"The person who catch me.. "

"The person who save me actually Jake..?"

"But why did Riki said that he's..."

Claire is confused again.

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