16 - [Chemistry]

194 7 28

Claire POV

I want to keep some cookies in my locker but I think that I saw Guinn and Heeseung walks to somewhere. But now, I couldn't see them anymore.

I turned around and saw Eun Ri.

"Huh..?!" Claire startled.

"Scared?" Eun Ri asks in arrogance way.

"Scared? Me..? With you?? Hell no. I'm just frightened, you show up like a ghost." Claire roll her eyes.

"Didn't I tell you to stay away from Jake? Why are you still with him? Don't you understand it?" Eun Ri make a mad face.

"Not your problem. Not my problem as well." Claire said.

"I guess...You.. Like.. Jake too...?" Eun Ri come closer to Claire like she is going to choke her.

Claire steps back.

"Auchh" Claire groaned.

"Who the heck is behind me?? It's hurt!" Claire shout.

"Don't worry, Eun Ri. She won't like Jake. She's my girlfriend." Riki came up from nowhere and put his hands on Claire's shoulder.

"Then.. It would do." Eun Ri smile while looking at Claire.

Claire just keep a poker face while staring at her back.

"Claire already have a boyfriend?" A boy said.

Everyone turn to see the boy and it was Heeseung.

"Brother!" Eun Ri call him.

"Bro.. ther..?" Claire is confuse.

"She's my younger sister." Heeseung said.

"Is it true that you have a boyfriend now? Looks like I don't have any chance?" Heeseung laugh a bit.

"What did you say? Why would you like her? What's so special about her??" Eun Ri show a disgusting expressions.

Claire didn't say anything.

Heeseung meet Riki's eyes and they've staring for a while.

"Let's go. You must be hungry." Riki grab Claire's hand.


Claire POV

The school cafeteria is so full today. I've never had eaten in the cafeteria since today.

"What do you want to eat?" Riki asks while putting his sling bag on the table.

"Uhm.. I feel like I want to eat... Some bread..?" Claire hesitate when it comes to food. When someone asks her what to eat, she didn't know what to eat.

"Oh... Okay.. Wait for me here. I'll be in a minutes." Riki smile and buy some bread.

Claire POV

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