05 - [Jealousy]

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"Claire, which club did you get in?" asks Guinn while taking a peek at Claire's paper registration.

"Skateboard...? I didn't know that was a " Club"." Claire make confused expression.

"I heard that Jake is there too since he's a player of skateboarding." Guinn said makes Claire shock in sigh.

"I got tennis Club. I have to go now, let's meet after this." Guinn hugs Claire and went to her club's room.

"Why... I need to face that boy again???" Claire sighs heavily.

Claire is on her way to the skateboard's club room but she saw YeonSeo gave Jake a drinks while saying loud that Jake accept her gifts.

Jake didn't know what to do but just take it as he assumes it as a gift from a friend.

But then, Jake realize Claire's existence and quickly hide the drinks behind his back and act as nothing happen. YeonSeo feels strange and look at Claire with arrogance.

Claire just ignore both of them and get into the club room quickly.

"It's just a drink, why would she want to show off?? And Jake, why would he act like as I want to eat him lol." Claire sit on the chair and look at Jake and YeonSeo outside of the room.

Jake come to his seat back. He made an eye contact with Claire for a while when he is about to sit.

Jake POV

"Why would she stare at me like that?"

"Is she jealous of me or what?"

"Or.... She likes me?"

"No way! She's been arguing with me these days. She has deep revenge with me, it's impossible." Jake has been shaking his head and everyone was looking at him including Claire.

Jake remains normal and act like nothing happened.

Claire POV

"What's wrong with this boy? Why he keeps shaking his head like that? Is he going to tilt a whole his head?" Claire mumble while staring seriously at Jake.

Suddenly a hands on Claire's shoulder, making Claire shocked to death. It was Jungwon, Claire's bestfriend. They always be seen as "couple" if people didn't know they are bestfriend.

"Omg, you scared me to death. At least, don't approach me like that! Bastard!" Claire said.

"Hahaha, what was you doing just now? Are you staring at your lover?" tease Jungwon.

"YoUr LoVeR?? Excuse me??!! What did you say just now?? Lover?? That nerdie boy??? Hell no!!!" Claire said in disgusting expressions.

"Nerdie boy?? I think he's a pretty good. Even the Kim YeonSeo, the goddess of this school even fall for him. Why wouldn't you?" asks Jungwon.

"What a joke. That YeonSeo has a very bad taste in men. I would rather date you than that nerdie boy!!" said Claire in mad tone.

"Date with me...?? Seems like a hell for me..." Jungwon reply.

"You..!!!" Claire get up from her place and the teacher asks her to sit quietly in the class.

Jake is watching both of them from a far.

"Chill... Maybe he is her best friend." Jake just smile.

"How was your club today?? " asks Guinn in excited.

"Its really gaves me headache so much." Claire put both of her hands on her head.

"What happen tho? Did Jake interfere in your business again?" Guinn asks.

"Not really but he is THE MAIN PROBLEM" Claire holding her fist strongly.

"Well...." Guinn look at Claire with a bit scared.

"I saw Jake and YeonSeo meeting each other outside the room! Literally there's so many people there and that YeonSeo, bad taste girl really have to show off that Jake take her gifts. It's literally a drinks bruh? And then Jungwon come and said that Jake is my lover and that's why I keep jealous. I'm not jealous, I'm just want to choke him so bad." Claire explains to Guinn without a break.

"W.. Wow.. That's.. That's.. Is so cool.. Uhm.. I mean.. What Jungwon said is kinda true and I think that you feel jealous with YeonSeo..?" said Guinn.

"What did you say??!! Jealous??!! You're just same as Jungwon! Not giving me any beneficial!" Claire went straight to the school door leaving Guinn there.

"I.. I think.. I was spitting the facts right? It think.. I'm not wrong... " Guinn mumble herself.

Claire POV

"Jealous? Jake? That was a whole bunch of nonsense!"

"He's my number one the main problem in my life since I study there. How.. How could I like him??!! That was insane??!!"

"No way, I should do something to him before anything happen." Claire give a lil smirk.

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