Chapter 25

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" The drugs " I spoke. He clicked a finger and a man opened a brief case and put it in front of me. I grabbed a plastic bag filled with blue powder. As I took a whiff.

Fuck this shit was strong.

" your eyes are telling me they know what I bring " he chuckled

" Purity " I continued, ignoring his words.

" 98% " he said with a smug expression. " one line and you feel you're in heaven, surrounded by the sexiest angles ever "

" Beside me Taehyung picked a pack and took a whiff. Seeing his expression, I knew that he too was surprised by the strength of the drugs.

" We will buy a lot. $10,000 a pound. I assume you've 20 pounds in this bag already. And two brief case in your men's hand incase you get a price you want. Total up to 60 pounds "

Bosco smiled " You have a sexy and a smart bitch Taehyung. I'm jealous. But baby girl, I can't do $10,000. My asking price isn't less than $30,000. This is how much I need to break even "

I shook my head with a smile. " No you don't. You haven't paid more than $5000 for a pound. The labour in Colombia for making the drug is $100 a pound on average. Packing charges don't go beyond $400. To transport it out to Colombia and to Korea takes maximum $3,500 per pound. Bribing port officials not more than $100,000 per 100 pounds. Divide that cost and it's $1000 a pound. Add it all, not more than $5000. You want $25,000 profit for every pound? I'm sorry we don't do that "

From behind yoongi chuckled in a taunting way, proud to taught me well.

Or that is what he thought. Of course I've my knowledge.

Bosco's expression turned stiff before the smile surfaced. " You got me babe. Because you're so sexy and dangerous, I'll lower the batch to $20,000. Not less than that "

A smirk formed on my face. " No problem, let's not deal then " with that I closed the brief case and slid it back to him "

" What the fuck are you doing " Taehyung whispered beside me and I squeezed his hand beneath the table to shut him up.

" $15,000 " Bosco growled

" Not a penny more than $10,000"

" You think you're so smart. I have been in this business 7 years. It's your first time. Don't make enemies where they aren't needed " he warned

" 7 years in business yet you haven't learnt shit " from behind hoseok added.

" you fucking cunt- " he turned to the man only for me to interrupt.

" Mr Bosco, I have better things to do. So if you're willing to sell for $10,000, I'll take it all. If not You know the way out "

He was pissed. I could see the murderous look in his eyes. But I know he would never attempt to do anything, not while he was on BTS's property.

" You whore, do you think you're the only ones who want it? " he said, jaw clenched " I have tons of other Mafia's who will take it "

" Had " I corrected him.

" WHAT? " he shot back.

" I mean once people know the actual cost of making this is only $5000 and you're demanding $30,000, then no one will buy it. Competition will arise who will sell it for much cheaper. Suppliers increase, price goes down. Simple principle of economics, though I assume you never went to college so you wouldn't know it "

Bosco was stunned as he looked at me. He picked up the ash tray laying nearby as he smashed it in the ground in anger.

" Fine, if you want it for $10,000 take it. But I have a condition on which I'll sell " he said

" What condition " Taehyung asked and I looked at my right side where he was, beside me

" I want this bitch to try the drugs with me "


" I want this bitch to try the drugs with me "

My eyes widened as I looked at see Y/n who was taken aback as well. I turned to see Jin hyung who himself was confused with this new situation.

" Excuse me " Y/n said

" Yes! You think you're so big and powerful. Then show it. If you don't, I'll cancel the deal. That's what I want now. I don't mind throwing all the stuff down the drain if I have to, but I won't sell it to you, if you don't do, as I ask "

The drug was 98% pure. This was like cocaine raised to the power 5.
It would kill her. Especially like her who probably had no experience in drugs. I knew Bosco was nuts but I didn't know he was such a manic.

" Fine " she said " Make the line "

" No you're not doing it " I pulled her close and whispered in her ears. " Are you out of your damn mind. This shit will end you. If you want to kill yourself, no need to do the drugs. Tell me instead, I'll do it gladly "

" Cut the nonsense " she hissed at me " I told you, I'll get you the deal, no matter what I've to do. If I don't, you'll kill me anyway, might as well do this then "

Bosco looked like he wanted to take revenge on her, he opened a pack and and distributed the blue powder one the glass table, making the line, intentionally thicker than what it should be normally. His junkie ass would probably not be affected much but Y/n's body would crumble under such a high dose.

Rolling a currency note, he handed it to her.

" Goodluck " is all he spoke.






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