Back To The Old Life

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Paige's pov_________________

It has been a year sense I have ben staying with Nick and Monica. Nick and I are madly in love and Monica is like my sister. I have always wanted a sister. Still a vampire, but I have it fully under control. 

I woke up in Nick's shirt as we laid in each others arms. 

"Babe" Nick said as he berried his face into my neck. 

"Yeah?" I asked. 

"I love you" Nick said adorably. 

"I love you more" I said.

"Ugh so much love, we get it, rub my tired single nose in it" Monica walks into our room groaning at us. 

I laugh as we both got up and changed. 

"So I have been thinking.." I said and they both look at me. 

"Oh no, never a good thing" Monica joked and they both laugh. 

"I want to go visit my brother and stay there for a while.. I want to get your option on it" I said bluntly. 

"You deserve to see your brother" Nick smiles at me. 

"Thanks Nick" I said then looked at Monica "What do you think?" I asked. Hopefully she isn't too mad.

"It has been a year.. You should go" She said.

I packed up some clothes and in another bag I packed a good amount of blood bags just incase and said my good-bye to Monica and Nick. I hopped onto a bus and took me as far as it could. I walked through the woods and there was Camp Half Blood. 

I walk in and go to my tent. I put my stuff down and see that Percy added some stuff but left my bed the same way I left it. 

It was too quiet but then I used my vampire hearing and heard noise further down and I decided to take a look. I come across people fighting, trying to reach the object. Percy was participating and crowds of people were cheering. 

"Come on Percy!" Grover yelled. He looks different. His Horns have grown.

"Let's go Percy!" Annabeth yelled. She changed her hair color to blonde. She looks good. 

Then he went to help up another guy and ended up getting knocked down and Clarisse, the daughter of the god of war, went for it and won the game. 

Grover and Annabeth helped Percy up and Clarisse walked over to him to gloat "So what I'm wondering Percy, the first quest you went on? Beginners luck?, wasn't it?" She asked. 

"Clarisse, he saved Olympus, that's more than you have ever done" Annabeth defended Percy. 

"Whatever" She pushed past them and left. 

"Percy.." I walked over to him and all three of them look at me in shock. Percy's eyes widen. 

"Paige?" Percy asked.

"Hi.." I said shyly. What do I say to my brother after a whole year. 

"Where the hell have you been?" Percy studently became mad. 


"Do you know how worried I was.. You just left. No good-bye, no explanation. I thought you were dead" Percy yelled. 

"I know a 'sorry' won't change anything.. But I am sorry I was gone for so long.. I never mean to be gone that long.." I said feeling bad. 

Percy shakes his head and walks away. Annabeth gave me a glare and left with him. I was left to face Grover. 

One look at him and I wanted to beg for forgiveness "Grover-" 

"Was it because we kissed... Did you leave because we kissed?" Grover sounded devastated. 

"No of course not" I shake my head.

"Then why did you leave?" He asked.

"It's complicated" I muttered.

"I guess everything with you is" Grover glared at me before he left. 

"Paige Jackson?" Chiron looked at me shocked to see me. 

"Chiron.. Am I allowed to be here?" I asked. 

He took one look at me "You look different... Did you do something different to yourself?" He asked me. 

Besides turning into a vampire, no.

"Same old me" I awkwardly smile. 

"Of course you can stay" He smiles.

I left him to go find Percy. 

I walked around for sometime when I found him by the water speaking to dad. 

"Have you ever felt like everything you'd ever done, maybe you really didn't do?" Percy asked the water but no response. 

"Percy.. Can we talk?" I asked and he looked back at me. 

"I want to know what happened that made you leave, Paige, please" Percy said.

Paige Jackson (Daughter of Poseidon)Where stories live. Discover now