🦢 10k Special 🦢

Start from the beginning

     Pei Ming glared at Shi Qingxuan who only stuck his tongue out under his fan.

A/N: I'm gonna make it so that Shi Qingxuan has re-ascended in this fanfic so that's why he has his fan.

     "Why don't we ask Y/n?" Hua Cheng commented.

     Everyone fell into a deep silence at the suggestion. Acknowledging it in both deep and shallow thought.

     "Maybe even test it."

───༻ ❍ ༺───

     Y/n enters the house with his eyes practically dropping to the floor he was so tired.

     A ghost was on his knees begging for him to be returned to the living realm to have his daughter be married off, Da Hong brought Y/n over to get a glimpse of the scene. Da Hong and Y/n only snickered at his desperation to 'carry the honor of his family' by marrying his daughter off to someone who was way out of her age range. And just her range in general.

     But when Y/n was about to go to the couch to sit down his chin was suddenly titled up by a pair of fingers, aligning his face with the others.

     "A-Y/n," Pei Ming called out, his breath tugging on Y/n's lips, begging for them to part for a kiss.

     "Eh-" Y/n was about to question why everyone was sitting down at the table, staring directly at them.

     Usually they either look away or just don't pay attention to when Y/n's kissing anyone but themself, yet all eyes were on them.

     Pei Ming's lips closed over Y/n's making him screw his eyes shut in bashfulness as Pei Ming placed his other hand on Y/n's hip, making sure to give extra attention to Y/n's sweet spot with his finger. Y/n gasped at the affectionate touch, allowing his lips to part for Pei Ming's tongue, that eagerly ran over the roof of Y/n's mouth before dancing with Y/n's. Pei Ming still made sure to let his hands roam over Y/n's body, exploring every curve or shape of it he could graze his touch over to make Y/n shiver. Y/n bit down on Pei Ming's bottom lip, making Pei Ming pull away as Y/n gasped for air, turning his head away from the grinning Pei Ming.

     "Why are you all-" Y/n was cut off when someone quickly stole him from Pei Ming, it was He Xuan.

     He Xuan and Pei Ming had always been competitors when it came to earning Y/n's attention and affections. None of them could win though, Y/n wouldn't let them and whenever they went up to Y/n like puppies, asking for kisses and cuddles. Y/n would simply turn to the other person in the room and go to them instead. Often it was Mu Qing or Feng Xin since Mu Qing was often helping with the cradling of the children (the ones from Y/n's job as life), while Feng Xin was just an human embodiment or a big dog that thought it was little so it clung to Y/n.

     He Xuan made sure to capture eye contact with Y/n before leaning in, whispering sweet nothings against Y/n's lips, placing little butterfly kisses against them before accepting his partner into a deeper kiss.

     He Xuan wrapped his arms around Y/n's waist while Y/n threw his arms around He Xuan's shoulders, effectively leaning in closer which made He Xuan brush his tongue over Y/n's lips. Y/n parted his lips and tangled their tongues together while He Xuan gently traced Y/n's cheek with his thumb. Saliva trickled down Y/n's chin from his lips from the amount of dominating licks and captures of his mouth he had received in this short period of time he was kissing He Xuan.

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙈𝙞𝙨𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙪𝙣𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝘼 𝙎𝙬𝙖𝙣 | TGCFWhere stories live. Discover now