39: Safe

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Avery's head hurt, that was the first thing she took note of. The second was that her vision was upside down, no, her whole body was upside down. She tried to move but felt something heavy crushing her. Avery tried to adjust her vision but her world was still spinning. What happened to her?

All she remembered was them casually driving down the mountain road. They were listening to music and singing along. Laughing as they forgot all the lyrics. How did they end up flipped on the side of the road? She racked her brain trying to remember. Slowly, she recalled the brakes not working as they turned. The screams as they crashed off the road and rolled.

She managed to turn her head and found that Grace was still in the car next to her. Avery managed to get one arm free and gently touched her.

"Grace?" Avery called weakly.

No response, Avery moved her hand again until she found a pulse, it was weak but it was there.

"Grace, we need to do something," Avery said. "Do you have your phone?"

Still no response. Avery tried to maneuver herself out, but her other arm was squeezed in between the car door and the crushed part of the car. She flinched as she tried to move the arm that was stuck. Immediately, her whole arm felt like it was on fire, she stopped trying to move it and shifted back.

What was she doing? She was stuck. With no one else here to help her, there was nothing she could do.

"Grace?" she cried out once more.

Again, no response.

Avery sat still, if she stayed right here, her arm didn't hurt as much, her head didn't spin. This wasn't so bad. At least she was with her mother. Help would come soon enough. However, Avery's breathing became unstable, it was getting harder and harder to stay seated.

She looked over at Grace again. Grace was not even trying to escape, she was barely trying at all. Maybe that was easier, maybe it was easier to leave all this strife and chaos behind. The world with all its injustice and unfairness. Avery was sick of it, maybe she should follow suit. Her eyes felt heavy anyway and the fighting was futile. Slowly, she began to close her eyes.

As soon as she did, she felt better. Maybe she needed to let go. Maybe it was her time. She could see her dad again. She wanted to.

But another person filled her mind. The person whose arms Avery felt safest in. The person whose presence never failed to put her at ease. The person she loved with her entire body and soul. She had to fight for him. She had to get back to Julian.

Avery forced her eyes open. She managed to move her legs and started to wiggle her way out of the crushing metal that surrounded her. Avery's arm suddenly shot up in pain again as she freed it from its place between the seat and crushed metal. She whimpered as she finally made her way out of the car, her school uniform skirt ripped as she got out. She practically crawled over to Grace's side of the car. She tried to get her out but it was no use, Grace was not budging. Avery felt for a pulse and it was fainter than last time but it was still there. Out of the car now, Avery realized how dark it was slowly becoming. She needed to get to the road, she needed to find someone. Anyone who could help.

Avery hobbled up to the road where she almost collapsed again. She was slowly starting to give up hope when suddenly a car approached. The driver slowed and pulled over. Avery breathed a sigh of relief as she saw the man step out of the car.

"Don't move kid, I'm calling 911 right now."

Avery didn't need the man's warning, she could barely move to begin with. He came over and kneeled over her as he talked on the phone. Avery only picked up bits of the conversation.

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