27: Time Heals All

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On the day before Christmas Eve, Julian took Avery to the park to play basketball. They were now walking back to his house after he beat her multiple times.

"You know I suck right?" she said as she dribbled the ball as they walked. "Don't act so cocky, winning against me isn't an accomplishment."

He shrugged. "I could lower the hoop for you and still win," he said with a wink.

She laughed. "Or you could try not being so tall."

"If I could shrink everyone down to your size, you know I would," he replied.

Avery smiled to herself. "You know if I recall correctly, I was taller than you at one point," she pointed out.

"Yeah, when we were like ten," he said, rolling his eyes.

She laughed. Those were the days."

"I suppose," he said. "Although, I have to admit life did get better eventually."

Avery felt bad. Of course life was better now for Julian, he was far away from the abuse of his childhood.

"I didn't mean-"

"It's okay," he said, quickly cutting her off. "I know what you meant."

"It was just easier when my biggest problem was whether or not I would make it home from the park in time for the basketball game," she explained.

"I know," he murmured.

Avery chuckled lightly. "I suppose our lives took different turns."

"It'll get better, Avery," he said.

"It's not like people come back from the dead, Julian," she muttered.

"True, but other people come into your life, I know it's not the same but it's better than being alone."

Avery didn't quite believe him just yet but she knew it was not worth fighting about. The thing was, Avery knew life would be much better with people who cared about her, but she was still so scared of trusting people again.

When they went back inside Julian's house, they found Mickey very animatedly telling a story to Will and Merideth.

"He's such a happy kid," Avery commented.

"He really is," Julian said, smiling.

When Merideth saw them, she excitedly waved them over.

"Come on, we're watching a movie," she called.

Avery smiled. Meredith was still quite young, she had Julian when she was only eighteen and she never quite grew up, in a good way though. She was responsible and raised two kids well, but she also knew how to have fun. Avery loved that about her. She was always happy, always genuine, always kind. It actually ached Avery to know that Frank had hurt her and Julian for so long.

Avery watched as Meredith and Will snuggled up on the couch together. Mickey crawled in between them and it made her smile even more. They were so cute together, so perfectly matched. Avery longed for that kind of love. That kind of bond was so special.

As they watched the movie, Avery felt Julian's eyes on her. She glanced back over at him but he quickly looked away. When the movie ended, Avery went up to the guest room and soon had trouble falling asleep. It was harder than she wanted to admit, accepting that this would be her first Christmas without her father. It was hard to spend the break feeling like she was the last Davidson.

Avery tossed and turned for a long time, until around midnight when she heard the door open. She sat up and found Julian apprehensively standing by the door.

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