30: What We Could Be

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"Let's ditch today," Julian said as he came up next to Avery.

Avery was just about to walk into her English class when Julian had approached her.

"Won't we get in trouble?" Avery asked.

He shrugged. "We have two notes from Coach excusing our absences."

"How did you swing that?" Avery asked curiously.

"I have my ways."

Avery chuckled lightly. "Okay, let me give Chelsey my essay to turn in and I'll meet you outside."

"See you soon," he said with a big smile on his face.

Avery quickly found Chelsey in the hallway next to Brady.

"Turn this in for me, will you?" Avery requested as she handed her the essay.

"Okay, but where are you going?" Chelsey asked.

Avery shrugged. "No idea, but I'll be with Julian."

Chelsey grinned from ear to ear. "Have fun. Don't do anything I wouldn't do," she said.

"Oh to be young and in love," Brady said teasingly.

Avery blushed and brushed them off. "Knock it off, we're barely even a thing."

"Oh so you sleep in the same bed, spend the winter break together, and he spends every moment possible with you, but you're not dating?" Chelsey said sarcastically.

"Hmm, so what does that make us, Chelsey?" Brady asked. "Because we sleep together, we spent the break in Paris, and we're always together."

"Well, that would make us boyfriend and girlfriend, Brady," Chelsey said, giving Avery a knowing look.

"Just turn my essay in,"Avery muttered, ignoring her comment and walking past both of them and out of the school where she found Julian waiting for her.

"Where are we going?" she asked.

"Come on, just follow me," he said, being particularly vague.

Avery did as she was told but was still curious as to where they were going. They got in his car and as he drove, Avery began to realize that he had planned this. She glanced over at him and he looked nervous and excited at the same time. Avery decided to let him have the element of surprise. So, when he asked her to put on the blindfold, she agreed, forcing herself to trust him. When they arrived he helped her out of the car and they walked for a few minutes until Julian finally stopped. They were inside now, Avery could tell by the temperature change.

"Okay, you can take your blindfold off now," he said.

Avery pulled it off and once her eyes adjusted, she began to smile. She knew this place well.

"The aquarium?" she asked, growing excited by the second.

He nodded. "I thought it would be a nice break from the world," he explained.

Avery agreed. "Come on," she said, taking his hand.

She still knew her away even though it had been years since she had even stepped foot in this place. She excitedly weaved her way through the other people and they found what she was looking for: the stingray exhibit. Avery excitedly put her hand in the water and waited for the stingrays to come. Slowly, one after another they made their way to her side of the exhibit and Avery got to pet her first one. The stingray glided by her hand and Avery grinned. She had forgotten how fun it was, like petting a household animal. Avery excitedly petted a few more. They were so adorable. She even got to feed them shrimp. She giggled as the stingray sucked up the shrimp from her hand. She glanced over at Julian who was watching her more than the stingrays.

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