"Of course, do you want souvlaki?" Rapidly nodding her head I chuckle and place the order. Turning back towards her I apologetically smile at her.

"Maggie I am so, so, sorry." Her eyes seem sad as she shakes her head.

"You're right, I mean I never think before I do things, I am all over the place, and I am really annoying. I am going to fix all of that though so don't be guilty for just speaking the truth."

"I didn't mean what I said kiddo." The thought of her changing herself because of me makes my heart burn like lava.

"Why did you say it then? Because it really really hurt." He glossy eyes look up at me and it takes everything in me not to start crying.

I made a promise to myself to never hurt her. To never make her feel lonely or sad. Yet I did it and now the terrible sight of my daughter crying is my karma.

I look away from her the guilt that is clawing at my heart coming at me full force as I think about her words. I walk around the kitchen island to where she's sitting and squeeze her into a hug.

"I am so sorry Maggie. It was wrong how I reacted to the situation. I over reacted because I was worried for your safety. I will do whatever I can to make you understand that you're not a disappointment, that you do not annoy me. I really missed you the past week my baby. I am very sorry.

She starts shaking her head in protest against my chest but I just squeeze her tighter continuing with what I need to say. "I am your father and not only was my reaction wrong but the way I handled my guilt about the whole situation was wrong too. I should've made amends with you that day, not a week later. You deserve better than that."

"You didn't mean what you said?" She questions, her voice muffled because she has stuffed her face into my chest.

"No, I didn't. I do however need to emphasize how important it is that you think about your safety before doing things. So if you want to go on a walk by yourself? Call me and I'll arrange guards in the distance to keep an eye on you. I was so worried about your safety, I still am. You need to tell me everything now okay?"

"Okay, I am really sorry that I broke your rules and put myself in danger."

"You didn't know what went on that morning. Don't apologize. Just please promise me that you won't endanger yourself anymore."

She nods her head against my chest. She pulls away from me a bit looking up at me with her fearful eyes. "I promise. But, you were right to be upset with me though."

I sigh because I thought I got it through to her that I was in the wrong. She needs to stop blaming herself. I start shaking my head and as I am about to protest she continues to speak. "I was being followed that day." I step away from her my eyes widening, the feeling of fire running through my veins.

"What do you mean?" I inquired. Could it have been him?

"Hold on I will show you." She jumps off the stool and speed walks up to her room. A second later she comes out with her backpack in her hands. She plops her bag down next to my feet and starts searching through it looking for something.

"Here." She hands six photos to me. I cautiously take them from her shaking hands and give each stomach twisting photo a look. "That's the one I wanted to show you." She refers to the photo I am stuck staring at.

It was her walking home on the day she ditched. I know it's that day because I always remember what her outfit is when she leaves the house just in case.

It's just a parent thing.

The constant fear for your child's safety. Yet my fear is amplified compared to the average parent. Instead of worrying about some creep pretending to be my friend at the school pickup, I have to worry about whether or not she will be shot, or worse taken and tortured by a psycho Ukrainian mobster.

"I-I didn't know I was being followed." She stammers making my heart hurt. I couldn't even imagine how scared she is. Plus me being absent the past week hasn't been helpful.

I pull her back into my arms. "It's okay sweetheart. I am around now. You will be okay. I will protect you." I soothe her hair down hoping the action will help calm down her nerves.

"L-look at the next photo." She moves away from the hug refusing to look at me as she bends down giving her puppies some attention.

I listen to her and flip to the next photo. Darting my eyes down to Maggie's exact outfit it doesn't take a genius to figure out that the photo was taken in one of her classes today.

"Maggie..." I drag out giving her an apologetic look. Not only is she being stalked outside of school but also in her very own classes.

"I know Leonardo." She sighs.

"Don't call me that. Call me Nardo." I beg her. I want us to go back to the way we were. I would do anything to go back to that.

"I thought you hated that name?" She looks up at me. I rapidly shake my head plopping myself down on the ground next to her.

"At first yes. It's grown on me. The person I love the most in the world calls me it. There is nothing that person could do to ever annoy me. I need you to tell me everything. Whether it is if you're being followed or if you want to share every single detail about your day. It will never annoy me and I will always be around to listen."

"I love you Dad." She moves so she's resting the right side of her body against my left arm. I move that arm to wrap around her shoulders pulling her closer to my side.

"I love you more my girl." I kiss the top of her hair before moving my vision down to our laps where the dogs have situated themselves. "And because I love you I need to keep you safe. To do that I will need to get you some body guards. Also I need you to figure out who took that photo."

"You said that something really upset you that day? Was it bad?"

"A section of my Mafia tried to overthrow me the second I walked in. I found out a little later that Roan was seen in New York right near your school." I feel her shiver under my arm. Maybe I shouldn't have told her.

"We can't catch a break." She yawns. Shaking my head with a deep chuckle I kiss the top of her head one more time before answering with a deep sigh.

"No we can't."



Thank you for all the love I have received for my two books in the past few months!

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.

I will try and post another chapter tonight because why not? But it will be in a few hours because I have homework 🙄

Lots of love to you all 💕

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