Planning to go to Merlin's Kingdom

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The next day after Arthur's accident in the training field, the sun was shining in the sky. Merlin was already up as were his knights. They all just had their morning training in the training field before Merlin left to wake up the king.

Walking into the chambers he notices Gwen already up.

"Good Morning Gwen. How come your up already?" Merlin asked

"Old habits die hard Merls. This was the time I used to wake up while I was still a servant. How come your up so early?" Gwen replies

"I and my knights always wake up at this time to train. It's become a common habit of ours. I just finished training so I came to wake up the Prat himself," Merlin replies with a slight chuckle

Chuckling herself Gwen says "You know Merlin, another servant could do this for you now that you revealed your identity you don't have to do all this."

"As pleasing as that sounds Gwen I cannot bear to stand the thought of another poor servant dealing with his whining in the mornings," Merlin replies walking around the chamber doing his chores before waking up Arthur.

"As much as I have to agree with that Merlin, you do have a duty to your kingdom and once you regain it you cannot be here in Camelot all the time," Gwen replies with a small smile

"That is true Gwen but we still have to make the plans to get back to Deria. I've written a letter already and sent it off to my mother. They should be awaiting for us within the next 2 weeks," Merlin replies

"That's wonderful Merlin. I cannot wait to meet your mother again. She a wonderful woman," Gwen replies

Nodding Merlin asks "if it's quite alright with you milady, could you wake up Arthur while I go to fetch your breakfast?"

"Of course Merlin. Take your time no need to rush and no need for formalities. I thought we went over this!" Gwen says sternly

Nodding in gratitude, Merlin runs out of the room to the kitchens to grab breakfast for the two royals. When he returned he surprisingly saw Arthur sitting at the table waiting for his breakfast along with Gwen.

"Gwen please teach me your ways please. I literally have to drag him out of bed most mornings!" Merlin exclaims while hitting Arthur on the back of his head lightly.

Nodding Gwen replies "One day Merlin but we got more important matters to handle right now."

"Merlin I know you don't have to do this but could you tell Morgana, my knights, your brother and your knights to meet in the throne room in 1 hour," Arthur requests but adds on just as quickly "Man it feels weird to think that you got an entire kingdom of your own to rule."

Noah, could you please get our knights to meet in the throne room in one hour please Merlin requests?

What about Percy? The reply came

It's fine Mordred will deal with it I'm just going to tell him now Merlin replies to his dearest brother

Mordred could you please tell the knights of the round table and Percy to come to the throne room in 1 hour? Merlin asks the young druid

Sure Merls anything else? the second reply came

Nope that's all, see you in 1 hour Red Merlin replies cheerfully

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