Bully Baby

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Frank POV

I was excited to see my dad as a baby.  I don't know why Percy doesn't like my dad.

"Ares is in the theme park where we first went to a date" she blushed when she said it.

"Cool mom, what happened" Piper asked enthusiastic

"You see, you know that ugly husband of mine" she asked

"You mean Hephaestus" I asked

"Yes boy, and are you a son of Ares" she asked

"Kind of, I am the son of his Roman version"

"I knew it, that's why you are handsome like him"

I blushed

Hazel looked at me like she would put a sword in my neck

"Well anyways, my used to be ugly husband-

"My father is not ugly and he is talented than Ares, watch who you talking about beauty lady" Leo said angry

'Valdez don't you talk like that to my mother" Piper said

"Okay Cherokee girl" Leo said

Piper started to cry. Jason looked like he would burst Leo with lightning.

"Leo don't speak to Piper like that fire boy" Jason said

"I am a fire boy-

"Stop it"Annabeth said.

"Kindly, Aphrodite please don't tell any stories" she said

"Ok" Aphrodite said.


We went inside to the Theme park, and guess what, we needed to buy tickets for ourself and for Ms. World.

We saw a bulky kid fighting and crying to the ticket scanner. He was red like from the monster Jack Jack.

"That must be Ares" Percy said

"Oh no sweetie cutie pie" Aphrodite cried as she ran towards Ares

"Great, our dates were cancelled and now we need to watch this romantic adventure" Percy said.

Thalia went and took Ares and said sorry to the ticket scanner, and that is her baby brother. 

Ares kicked and screamed as Thalia brought him to us.

By the time she bought that bully baby towards us she had a swollen eye, a cut in her hand, and a bite in her fingers.

"Ares" Aphrodite said

He instantly stopped his tantrum. His face turned happy and cool.

 "Aphrodite" he said as he ran towards her

There were mushy things happening. Everyone stared at them like they were crazy.

"Hello dad" I said

"His face turned towards me 

"Hello son"

He then looked at the others, but Percy caught his attention. His face turned like back when he was in an angry mode. He stared at Percy and Percy did the same.

"Hello seabrain" dad said

"Hello warman" Percy said

"Percy" Annabeth said

"Hi Ares, nice to meet you. It is my pleasure to babysit you" Percy said sarcastically.

Ares walked towards him and stepped on his feet, punched his shin and jumped a punched his nose.

"Oww" Percy said

"You talked him into that Perce" Jason said

Now he went to Annabeth and Jason and jumped and double slapped them

"Holy Hades" Annabeth and Jason said at the same time.

Percy laughed "You got that Jason"

Ares went to Percy again and stepped on his other foot and hit both of his eyes. He twisted his arm and legs. He gave him a cut on his cheeks.

Ares laughed so hard.

"Oww. It hurts. Ares you will pay for this. Just because we are in the public and you are a baby I am letting you go, but after I am done with this babysitting business I will deal with you angry bird" Percy said

Ares went back and hit Percy's stomach and chest.

"Mother Father Annabeth" Percy cried.

We all laughed, but Annabeth went to stop him, so Annabeth also got beating from Ares.

Ares gave Jason some slapped cheeks, because he was the son of Zeus, and his half bro

Ares didn't put a hand on Hazel and me because I was his son and she was my girlfriend.

Piper was Aphrodite's daughter so he didn't even talk harsh to her.

He didn't talk or do anything to Thalia because he was probably afraid of her. She was tall bold, and used to be a hunter. Ares always feared Artemis.

He didn't even look at Tyson and Ella because he was afraid of Cyclops and Harpies.

Poor Percy, Annabeth, and Leo  because they were the one who got most of his beatings. Percy had a grudge on Ares, so did Ares, and Ares was not in good terms with Poseidon. 

Annabeth was the daughter of his half sister Athena. He and Athena never got together because of the Athens and Spartans issue.

Leo was the son Hephaestus, and the story of the golden net, so Ares was still angry with Hephaestus.

Percy injuries from Ares:

a painful shin

both foots flat

punched nose (bleeding)

black eye

hurting stomach and chest

punched shin

sprained arms and legs

cut in cheeks

Annabeth injuries from Ares:

slapped cheeks

sprained neck

hurt in head

twisted ankle

cut in the belly

pain in the bottom

hurt feet

Leo injuries from Ares:

pulled some hair

bleeding lips

red cheeks

sprained fingers

twisted hand

boo boo in the head

"Who is the next" I asked

"Apollo" Ares said sadly

"Great lets go" Hazel said

"Oh no" Piper said

"He will kill us with his haikus" Percy said

This time Ares even agreed with Percy

Guys I can't even see or walk. Let's go to camp and fix our injuries" Percy said

"Sure" Jason and Annabeth said weakly

Next stop to Camp Half Blood

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