Beauty Baby

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Percy POV

We were on a date. Not just any date, it was a hept date. 10 couples together.


me and Annabeth

Jason and Piper

Frank and Hazel

Leo and Calypso

Luke and Reyna

Thalia and Nico

Tyson and Ella

It was a nice evening in the Italian restaurant. A demigod name Marco owned this place, so we could pay in drachmas. The boys and I planned something special for our girlfriends. After dinner we will take them to a movie they have been wanting to watch for so long.

It was not romantic but a date. It was nice to be away from monsters, quests, and the gods.

As I was eating cheese pizza with blue cherry coke I talked to Annabeth. 

I heard a voice said "so cute"

I looked around but no one was there.

"Did you hear someone say so cute" Annabeth asked me.

"Yes I also heard someone say so cute" Frank, Hazel, Jason, Piper, Thalia, Nico, Calypso, Luke, Reyna, Leo, Tyson, and Ella said.

"Hello look down here" a small voice said

We all looked down and saw a pretty baby girl looking at us.

"Wow she looks like my mother" Piper said

"You stupid girl of mine, I am your Aphrodite" the girl said

Jason, Leo, Frank, and mine jaw dropped. 

Nico, Luke, Piper fainted

Annabeth, Thalia, Reyna, Hazel, Calypso, Ella just stared at baby Aphrodite like they didn't care.

Tyson was busy eating

"Hello seaweed brain" Annabeth snapped her fingers.

"What" Jason, Leo, Frank, and me asked.

"Oh no what happened to my sister's boyfriend" Jason asked worried.

"Nothing they fainted like your jaws dropped"  Thalia said.

I took some water and splashed it on Nico, Luke, and Piper.

"What just happened" Piper asked

"Nothing your mother just came in a baby form and you fainted" I said

"Amazing Athena" Piper said

Annabeth looked like she will kill Piper

"No offense" Piper said

"Guys, you know that a goddess is there below you" Aphrodite said

"Sorry lady Aphrodite" Jason said

"Why are you here" Annabeth asked

" You see here young lady, well someone challenged the gods and goddess that a child can do your duties better than you, so Zeus decided we all should turn into babies for a week and do other peoples jobs" she said 

" Where are the other gods and goddesses" I asked

"You see handsome boy, that is the problem. Zeus turned us all into babies, but he didn't put us in the same place. We all know each other locations but we can't go because for the mortals we are babies. We cannot go alone. That's why I came to you. You guys are wonderful heroes you can help me find the others." she said.

"Ok, we can help you find the others mom" Piper said.

"Who's the first one we should find" I asked excited

"Ares" she said

My excitement blew away like a balloon. 

"Great" I muttered

"Jackson don't you dare" Frank said

"Sorry son of Roman Ares" I said with a grin

Here goes our afternoon I thought. I am sure that all of them must have thought like that.

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