Dying, Waking up and the Book

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Hey! I got this idea stuck inside my head and now I'm here just to get it out. Hope you enjoy because there is little to no planing.


I was walking home from school like normal 15 year olds do. I was running late because my best friend's boyfriend dumped her and she didn't take it well to say the least. I mean I understand why he did it, she's extremely toxic and possessive of the people close to her. She ran off my first boyfriend for heavens sake! But it's not her fault, her parents are abusive as fuck. Of course she's she's toxic and possessive, her parents themselves are toxic and she's afraid of losing the little people she does care for! Honestly she needs therapy, and not therapy from her close friends (aka, me) but from an actual therapist.

Anyways while I was rushing home (where my own equally abusive and toxic parents lived), I wasn't paying attention to everything around me. Long story short, like every 'reborn' story I ended up being hit by Mr.Truck-Kun and died. The driver of said Mr.Truck-Kun drove away. I am dying, but if I'm dying then I'm making sure my best friend gets help. While I layed there with people around me, I painfully got out my phone (much to shock/anger/worry) and opened a file that had all of the evidence against both best friend and my parents and gave it to a paramedic that arrived at some time.

After giving me a confused look they took a closer look and a face of realization and horror came across her face. She quickly gave the phone to a police officer who also showed up and then got back to her job... But it was no use. I already given up and accepted that I was gonna die. I just wanted to make sure that my bestie, my sister, would be safe and cared for. Once I knew that the police had everything to make my sister's parents down I let the darkness that was slowly creeping up on me consume me. I then knew no more.

On February 12th 2022, April Morgan died of a car crash, 3 days before their 16th birthday.

Darkness. That was all I saw after death. No Hell, No Heaven, just a black void. Black all around and noone else in sight. Is this death? Just a black empty space? Before I could do anything else suddenly a skeleton that looked alot like Ink from undertale appeared infront of me. He looked, holy shit, he looked bad. Like dying bad, before I could remember that I was y'know, dead, I tried to help him. He just looked at me with surprise? I don't want him to die! Even if he's supposed to be a fictional skeleton, he doesn't deserve to die.

He seemed to study my face as I tried (and failed) to help him. After tears of hopelessness started to fall down my face he seemed to come to a decision on his part. Next thing I knew he hugged me, and then pain. Before I knew it I passed out in his hold, but before I completely blacked out (again) I swore I heard him say "Thank you, and I'm so sorry". Then I knew no more.

On February 12th ****, Ink God of Creation, Killed himself out of desperation.

On February 12th ****, April Morgan become Ink, God of Creation.

I woke up with a sharp breath. I immediately sat up and looked around me. Everywhere was white as far as I could see, except 2 things. A huge paint brush (Broomy), and a small brown book. I have a funny feeling I know what's in that book, and I hope I'm wrong. With a Shakey breath I grabbed the book (stubbornly ignoring my skeletal hand) and opened it to the first page. I then began reading it.

Hello, If your reading this then I (Ink, God of Creation, Protectors of AU's) have successfully killed myself and you are now in my body. I want to start off by apologizing for what is in store for you, but I couldn't take anything anymore. I've tried to kill myself several times before I finally succeeded. Now let's start with why your here.

Transported as Ink Sans (Forced God of Creation)Where stories live. Discover now