part 18: reunited

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Scientists around the world have observed a change in the observable universe, the stars are in a state of flux, their luminosity is flickering from the normal to slightly duller range, world wide media is covering this topic, the people are freaking out and scientists are baffled but they must come up with a explanation asap to avoid causing havoc. The people are starting to freak out, some nut jobs are going around screaming that the world is ending, many are turning to religion as fear takes hold. Michael and many other angels fix the sun, the brightness is back to normal but they can still tell something else is causing this.

Issei and company are currently in the household, Irina sees that everything looks like it's back to normal but then her attention falls back upon her fiance. He's running around the house, looking into every room and hallway in a frantic manner.

Issei: empty....empty....good... It's safe... For now.... No...we can't stay here. We need to leave...

He immediately ran back down to the living room where everyone is seated.

Issei: pack you things! We're leaving to hide somewhere safe!

Miki: there's no need..

Rias: lord Ajuka already placed a large number of spells, enchantment and barriers around the whole town. We are safe.

Issei: for how long? Two Satan class devils entered your house and none of us knew about it! They can bypass the barriers! He'll! Even I can do that! We need to leave! I have to go make sure Kouno is safe! To keep all the yokai safe!!

Yasaka: I've already made sure everyone there is safe. Fafnir is there along with the angels, fallen and devils assigned to guard the city.

Issei: that doesn't mean that they're safe! Kouno is still in danger!.... She's..

His anger rose once more, the vengeful aura is spiraling around them but it immediately disappeared as he becomes motionless.

Akeno: Issei.. What's wrong?

He held the top of his head and started growling and whimpering in pain, blood started dripping down his hands and face, it's staining the floor, the blood is darker than usual, the smell is so strong because of his new enhanced dragon senses, it immediately reminded him of the corpses, nausea forced him to run to the bathroom and vomit into the toilet, he vomits 3 times and then immediately held his head as more pain made him fall to his knees, he can feel two sharp points protruding from his scalp. Asia uses twilight healing but it's useless. Issei howled in pain again as he tries to get up, he's so nauseated the he nearly falls over. Kiba and Rossweisse run to him and helped him stand up.

Kiba: what's happening to...

He gets his answer when both of them see what look like sharp horns growing out of his skull.

Issei: ... It...hurts...

He could barely utter those two words. The pain is greater than a migraine, his head feels like two large stainless steel 3 inch nails are digging into his skull, the smell of blood continues to make him want to vomit but he's already emptied his stomach, he's dry heaving so much that he can barely breath. He forced himself to take a deep breath and stand on his own. He's still dizzy but as soon as he looks in the mirror, he didn't know what he's looking at, he sees the dried blood of his enemies on him yet again, he looks on in horror. Kiba and Rossweisse take him back to the living room and make him sit on the sofa, he finally caught his breath as soon as he sits down. He looks at his hands and his eyes widen, immediately, everyone recognized that look in his eyes, it's the fear he always had since he became a devil but much worse.

Xenovia: the smell of blood....

She immediately ran to the bathroom, grabbed a towel and moistened it with water, she ran back to him and started to wipe his hands and face. Issei is starting to have a panic attack as his hands start to shake.

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